2016-03-17 16:12 GMT+08:00 Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com>:
> 谭俊浩 <pickf...@riseup.net> writes:
>> On 17/03/2016 01:24, Junio C Hamano wrote:
>>> Using ~/.git-credential-cache/credential-cache.sock would not help
>>> at all for existing users, but ~/.git-credential-cache/socket would
>>> interoperate well with users with existing versions of Git, no?
>>>>> Just being curious, and wanting to see the reasoning behind the
>>>>> design decision the patch series makes in the log message of one of
>>>>> these patches.
>> I guess it is better to use /tmp or such instead of $HOME/.* so that
>> the users home directory won't be flooded by sockets.
> The "fallback" being discussed is to see if $XDG can be used (and
> use it if so), otherwise see if ~/.git-credential-cache/socket can
> be used (and use it if so), otherwise die with a message (see
> credential-cache.c).  The order of the falling back may want to be
> the other way around, but in either case, the definition of "can be
> used" includes "is there already a directory in which we can create
> a socket?".
> The existing versions have used ~/.git-credential-cache/socket as
> the default socket path, so it is reasonable to expect that users
> that are already using the feature already have the directory there.
> So I do not think there is any "flooded" involved; if the directory
> is already there, we can use it to create and use a single socket.
> It's not like we'd be creating many random new directories in ~/.

As mentioned above, The purpose I try "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR" and then
"/tmp/git-$uid" is that I'd like to build an identical mechanism for searching
for path to store runtime files such as socket and so on.

I guess you would not second an additional configuration to let git
store runtime
files under XDG-compatible path.

Then is there any better solution to keep compatibility than checking the
existence of ~/.git-credential-cache? I'm not sure.

I think we could left following message in documentation:

    From version xxx, we put the socket under a XDG-compatible path instead of
    a directory under $HOME. If that incompatibility disturbs you,
please consider
    adding `--socket $HOME/.git-credential-cache/socket` to your configuration.
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