Hi Timothee,

On Mon, 4 Apr 2016, Timothee Cour wrote:

> Could we have block comments in gitconfig?
> It's a nice-to-have supported in most languages.
> eg:
> #{
> commented out block
> #}
> or other intuitive syntax

You could have such block comments. If you implemented that feature.

Having said that, this syntax is distinctly *not* the INI syntax we tried
to imitate. Plus, there are Git implementations *other* than core Git in
the meantime, and they would need to be taught about this
backwards-incompatible syntax, too.

And then we still could not turn on that feature by default because there
are setups out there where different users use different versions of Git.

If you are prepared to push this feature forward, you can make it happen.
In that case, you will need to spend a bit of effort and definitely
exercise patience because you would likely get this feature accepted only
into 2.9.0 (or 2.10.0 or 3.0.0...), i.e. a major version bump.

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