Dear Git Gurus,

I guess whenever it rains it indeed pours, so it is me whining again.

I have decided to try available from debian
experimental and through our (datalad) tests failing I became
aware of the
    merge: refuse to create too cool a merge by default

which is planned for the next release.  I guess it is indeed a
worthwhile accident-prevention measure BUT not sure if it is so
important as to cause a change in behavior on which some projects using
git through the cmdline interface might have been relying upon for

Given that git is quite 'self-healing', i.e. if someone has managed to
make a merge he didn't intend to, there is always a way back (e.g., as
simple as git reset --hard HEAD^), I am really not sure how valuable
such change of default behavior would be?  Could it may be made into a
warning instead? or reversed option "--dont-allow-unrelated-histories"?

Moreover, it was explicitly stated that "no configuration variable to
enable this by default exists and will not be added", which would cause
3rd party scripts/code/projects relying on previous behavior  to provide
version specific handling (either to add that
--allow-unrelated-histories or not)... very cumbersome!  If nothing else
remains, could there at least be a config option which we could
then use regardless of the version of git we are using for such merges?

P.S. Please maintain CC list

Thank you in advance for your consideration,
Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
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