On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 10:26:06AM -0700, Stefan Beller wrote:

> > +       Enables a curl full trace dump of all incoming and outgoing data,
> > +       including descriptive information, of the git transport protocol.
> > +       This is similar to doing curl --trace-ascii on the command line.
> > +       This option overrides setting the GIT_CURL_VERBOSE environment
> > +       variable.
> How does it overwrite the GIT_CURL_VERBOSE variable?

You can't use both, as they are both triggered using the CURLOPT_VERBOSE
option of curl. The main difference is that with GIT_CURL_VERBOSE, we
rely on curl to print the information to stderr. With GIT_CURL_TRACE, we
do the printing ourselves (so we can tweak the output format, send it to
places other than stderr, etc).

> After a quick `grep -r GIT_CURL_VERBOSE`, I notice 2 things:
> * apparently GIT_CURL_VERBOSE is used as a boolean,
>   so I presume we assume True for GIT_CURL_VERBOSE, but
>   extend it?

It's not a boolean. If the variable exists at all, we turn on verbose
output (so I guess you can consider it a boolean, but we do not parse
its contents as boolean; GIT_CURL_VERBOSE=false does not do what you
might think).

> * GIT_CURL_VERBOSE is not documented at all. (It is mentioned in
>   the release notes for 2.3.0, not sure if that counts as documentation)
>   As you know the area, care to send a documentation patch for

I think there is no need for GIT_CURL_VERBOSE once we have
GIT_TRACE_CURL. The latter is more flexible and matches the GIT_TRACE_*
interface we use elsewhere.

So I think we should consider GIT_CURL_VERBOSE deprecated (though I do
not mind keeping it for old-timers since it is literally one line of

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