On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 11:12:25AM +0200, Jan Smets wrote:
> Hi
> Please consider following example
> #!/bin/bash
> rm -rf /tmp/gittest
> mkdir /tmp/gittest
> cd /tmp/gittest
> git init
> echo $RANDOM > testfile
> git add testfile
> git commit -m test -a
> git branch X
> git checkout X
> echo $RANDOM > testfile
> git add testfile
> git commit -m test -a
> git checkout master
> echo $RANDOM > testfile
> git add testfile
> git commit -m test -a
> git cherry-pick X
> git diff --raw
> git difftool -d
> This emulates a merge conflict when using git-cerry-pick.
> $ git diff --raw
> :000000 100644 0000000... 0000000... U  testfile
> :100644 100644 a04e026... 0000000... M  testfile
> When executing git difftool with the -d option :
> /usr/lib/git-core/git-difftool line 260: File exists
> A possible solution is to build an unique list in @working_tree
> The purpose is to edit/resolve the conflict in the difftool.

That could be useful.  git-mergetool is intended to be used when
merge conflicts exist, but it sounds like you may have already
found a possible solution by making @working_tree unique.  Have
you tested that to see if it skirts around the issue?

If you have a patch I'd be happy to help review and test it.
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