On 02/06/16 00:52, Stefan Beller wrote:
> In our own .gitattributes file we have attributes such as:
>     *.[ch] whitespace=indent,trail,space
> When querying for attributes we want to be able to ask for the exact
> value, i.e.
>     git ls-files :(attr:whitespace=indent,trail,space)
> should work, but the commas are used in the attr magic to introduce
> the next attr, such that this query currently fails with
> fatal: Invalid pathspec magic 'trail' in 
> ':(attr:whitespace=indent,trail,space)'
> This change allows escaping characters by a backslash, such that the query
>     git ls-files :(attr:whitespace=indent\,trail\,space)

Not having given this much thought at all, but the question which comes
to mind is: can you use some other separator for the <attr>-s rather than
a comma? That way you don't need to quote them in the <value> part of the

(I dunno, maybe use ; or : instead?)

Ramsay Jones

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