I need help from apache experts. On my system (gentoo 64bit,
apache-2.4.20), running an httpd test gives me

-- 8< --
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/pclouds/w/git/temp/t/trash
checking prerequisite: NOT_ROOT

mkdir -p "$TRASH_DIRECTORY/prereq-test-dir" &&
        cd "$TRASH_DIRECTORY/prereq-test-dir" &&
        uid=$(id -u) &&
        test "$uid" != 0

prerequisite NOT_ROOT ok
[Sun Jun 12 10:42:19.958873 2016] [core:crit] [pid 31585] AH00136:
Server MUST relinquish startup privileges before accepting
connections.  Please ensure mod_unixd or other system security module
is loaded.
AH00016: Configuration Failed
1..0 # SKIP web server setup failed
-- 8< --

A quick search shows that loading mod_unixd.so will do (and did make
httpd run for me). Problem is, can I just update apache.conf to load
it when apache version >= 2.4? I don't know if doing that would cause
failure for other people because mod_unixd has existed since 2.2 and
people have run httpd tests fine so far...
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