Joey Hess <> writes:

> Or we could pick one of the two methods of appending the file
> (I prefer not including a space before it as more flexible), and
> anything using this interface would need to design its command line
> parsing with this interface in mind, and would probably choose to use
> --to-file=foo rather than --to-file foo.

When I gave the example in the message you are responding to, I
chose to assume that we will always have a space there, and this was
to to avoid a problem that will become common if we did otherwise,

    [filter "foo"] cleanFromFile = command

which must be spelled as

    [filter "foo"] cleanFromFile = "command "

to separate the command name with it argument if we didn't add the
space there.

I tend to agree with what you said in the other response, i.e.
"Probably anything using this interface is gonna be implemented with
the interface in mind from the beginning", so they will not have an
issue if the interface always added a space there, and there is the
"sh -c" thing if they really want to do something unusual.
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