On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 11:41 AM, Norbert Kiesel <nkie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm following an upstream repo on github.  Today morning I saw a new
> commit there, but a `git pull` in my clone did not fetch it and
> instead said "Already up-to-date.".  On closer inspection, github
> reports commit time as 2152-06-19. The same project has some other
> commits with commit time in the future that were fetched.  My guess is
> that happened when those commits got a child with commit date in the
> past.

git-pull doesn't care about the commit/author date/time at all.

All it takes into consideration
is the graph structure of the commits on the local and the remote branch,
i.e. Are there any commits on the remote branch that are not part of the local
branch history?

> Is there any way to force git pulling that request?  (Perhaps I should
> try to tell git that it's really 2152?)

You need to see if that commit is part of the history of the
remote branch you pulled.

> For the record: the faulty commit is
> https://github.com/seandepagnier/weather_routing_pi/commit/23c07cc5d2be7ce68349f4b3719b6fa6fe90e0bf
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