On Mon, Jun 27, 2016 at 7:38 AM,  <larsxschnei...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ## Proposed solution
> Git LFS caches its objects under .git/lfs/objects. Most of the time Git
> LFS objects are already available in the cache (e.g. if you switch branches
> back and forth). I implemented these "cache hits" natively in Git.
> Please note that this implementation is just a quick and dirty proof of
> concept. If the Git community agrees that this kind of approach would be
> acceptable then I will start to work on a proper patch series with cross
> platform support and unit tests.

Would it be possible to move all this code to a separate daemon?
Instead of spawning a new process to do the filtering, you send a
command "convert this" over maybe unix socket and either receive the
whole result over the socket, or receive a path of the result.

I don't think hard coding "git-lfs" is a good way to go (if you keep
that in the final impl. of course). I guess the costly part is
spawning processes and going through the same process initialization
for every object. If we keep a daemon running, all that is gone. You
still have to pay for extra context switches and memory copy (unless
you send the path, but then it could be racy), but I think that's
negligible. And all smudge/clean filters can do caching and more if
they want to.
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