Interesting. Grateful that you took the time to explain, and hopefully it will 
help others understand as well.

It also helped that you pointed out that this needed to work across distros and 
platforms. I didn't even know Geany ran on Windows. And I do get the "domain 
socket" communication endpoint concept now, and why it must be known before any 
one instance of Geany even starts.

Ultimately, it boils down to a single feature or requirement, and how it 
relates to a second, more fundamental requirement: 1) Open new files _not_ in a 
new Geany instance, but in a new tab in the same instance. And 2) Work the same 
way across distros and platforms.

If you ditched the first requirement, the problem could disappear. (Not that 
it's a bad requirement. It's a good requirement I think. And not that there 
aren't other ways to mitigate the problem while keeping both 
feature/requirements. But for me, personally - and I'm sure I'm in the minority 
on this specific point - I'd rather it work with sudo and not sudo at the same 
time, and open single-file multiple instances. If that was the only choice.)

So, to make Geany work as designed but also accommodate the sudo bug, I could 
update my scripts - really just one - to detect when user id = 0, and use one 
of the flags to point it to a unique or just different pre-known instance.

I could even just write a wrapper script called "geany" and put it first in 
path. For *nix (presumably Windows doesn't have this problem):

`if [ "$EUID" == "0" ]; then`
`    /usr/bin/geany -c /tmp/geany_root_socket $@`
`    /usr/bin/geany $@`

But if I can do it that succinctly in a script, could it be nearly as simple in 
code? (I mean, I know it _could_ be exactly that simple, but in reality 
probably isn't due to related code existing in different places, and also 
cross-platform concerns - I'm only worried about two, and a third environment 
[Windows] doesn't have the problem.)

[Here]('s a way to conditionally check for 
OS in makefile. But again, it doesn't have to be that complex - just two of 
those tests ("linux" and "darwin") would cover an overwhelming swath, and 
almost all the rest would be Windows (already OK without anything extra). 
Anything else not covered, would just experience the bug, but would solve the 
problem for, perhaps, 99.9% of your users.

Perhaps much more simply, the install script could test for the existence of 
"bash" in the path (and that we're running on a unix-like machine, such as 
checking for the existence of $MACHTYPE being populated with anything), and if 
so, name the binary /usr/bin/geany-bin and the bash script above to 
/usr/bin/geany. (Or create a symlink in /usr/bin to the script instead of 
binary, etc.)

Just some thoughts.

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