> Ah, I was not aware resources were slack. I saw all the activity around the 
> release and thought it would be a good idea to remind the maintainers about 
> this pr.

Its no problem to ping PRs, they do sometimes get forgotten.

> If resources continue to be a problem then maybe a change of style is 
> necessary. Perhaps a well-formed pull request could be pushed to master on a 
> weekly or fortnightly basis and reverted if issues are reported

Well, yes and no.  Certainly some lower risk things could be committed sooner, 

Because its a mostly interactive program, Geany relies on testing by usage, not 
large amounts of automated testing.  Because of the resource limitations, to 
get people to test the latest Git, it has to be stable enough that they are 
confident to use it for significant periods in real work.  There are not enough 
resources to spend much time doing nothing but testing Geany.

So anything that reduces the reliability of the Git version also reduces the 
number of people that are willing to test the latest version, becoming a 
self-defeating exercise.  So there is some caution about committing things 
without testing first.

A second issue (that I believe will affect this PR) is that the testers are 
using Geany in their normal configurations and work flows and that may not 
involve the particular change, few of us use remote file systems though many 
non-testing users of Geany seem to do so, only a few of us have multiple 
monitor setups, only a few use bleeding edge distros and so latest versions of 
GTK and Glib.  So committing a PR doesn't mean it gets tested.  

>From the discussions above it seems likely that most Geany testers will either 
>not want this feature turned on as it doesn't fit their workflow, or even if 
>they turn it on, it won't get used much since their workflow won't trigger it. 
> So it won't get tested much, and thats why I suggested you could try to find 
>a tester.

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