> it seems, that Geany 1.27

1.27 is quite old, it has been released in march 2016, you might want to try a 
newer version for some things -- although neither of the ones you're talking 
about here would be magically fixed by a new version, and is fixable in 1.27 
just fine.

> misbehave, when one tries to use a macro WXUNUSED prom wxWidgets inside a 
> method definition (see screenshot)

To fix the symbols tree, you need to tell Geany to handle `WXUNUSED` specially, 
because it confuses the parser (and although there might be some possibilities 
for better heuristics, it's virtually impossible to Do the Right Thing™ without 
knowing to what the macro expands).  Do tell Geany to ignore `WXUNUSED` when 
parsing C and C++ sources for symbols, go to *Tools ⇒ Configuration Files ⇒ 
ignore.tags* and add a line `WXUNUSED`. I'm not 100% sure this menu item 
existed back in 1.27, if not please look up *ignore.tags* in the manual of your 

> It is possible to not use this macro, but one will get warnings about unused 
> variable.

You mean when you compile?  This suggests your build setup is incorrect, and 
Geany doesn't know for you how to set up the environment for wxWidgets, so 
you'll have to tell it what to do (using a build system or tuning the build 
commands), which you're likely already doing if you're successfully building 
your app; so you should just have to add the right tweak.
I unfortunately don't know wxWidgets and can't tell you how to get `WXUNUSED` 
to work.

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