
> I think projects in Geany need a complete rethinking and rework ...


I don't think Geany does projects, and the feature it has thats called 
"projects" is misnamed.  That causes people to expect something like all the 
other IDEs "projects" features.  The current really lightweight "named 
sessions" feature Geany has is really good in many cases, so it should be kept 
(but renamed) and a "proper" projects capability added.

However a "proper" projects capability is inherently language and toolchain 
specific.  A C/C++ project needs different features to a Javascript one to a 
Julia one to a Python one.  And the users expect that too, a Python project 
doesn't "Compile" or "Make" stuff.

One thing that would really help is if filetypes could load plugins 
automatically to support their language/toolchain.  I used to have a prototype 
of this, its really easy to do, and it would allow a filetype selection to 
import the smarts not just for its type of project, but for its whole 

@kugel- and @chrisgraham 

But one thing I'm somewhat confused about is what you actually gain by setting 
up the current "project" on a directory?  Current projects have no capability 
of reading the language, compilers, toolchain or any of what a "project" in 
other IDEs implies, so what does it give you to "set one up" on a particular 
random git checkout?

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