> Thanks a lot for debugging this up to that point!

Essential plugin, life would be unbearable without it :-).

>  I somehow didn't notice this until fairly recently, and was puzzled (and 
> frightened) at what it could be, yet didn't have time to dig in.

I was worried it could be some "unsolvable" conflict with the changebar that is 
now part of Scintilla. But then all the printfs I added seemed to return the 
right value and then I displayed line numbers in the Scintilla popup and it was 
clear it wasn't set correctly.

> I don't see a problem re-asking for the line; although at some point I'll try 
> and understand what changed in Scintilla that would lead to this.

Yeah, who knows.

It's actually kind of surprising that it works now because 
in front of the size request and moved it behind - so `SCI_POINTXFROMPOSITION` 
works only for the displayed editor area but in this case it isn't displayed 
yet and `sci` has some who-knows-what size before the size request. But I don't 
know how this could be fixed.

Anyway, good, it works now, the world seems to be saved for a while :-)

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