aljazerzen commented on code in PR #1725:

@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+//! ADBC: Arrow Database Connectivity
+//! ADBC is a set of APIs and libraries for 
+//! access to databases. Execute SQL and [Substrait](
+//! queries, query database catalogs, and more, all using Arrow data to
+//! eliminate unnecessary data copies, speed up access, and make it more
+//! convenient to build analytical applications.
+//! Read more about ADBC at <>
+//! This library currently provides:
+//! - An abstract Rust API to be implemented by vendor-specific drivers.
+//! - A driver manager which implements this same API, but dynamically loads
+//! drivers internally and forwards calls appropriately using the [C 
+//! We hope to provide the ability to expose Rust drivers as C drivers in the
+//! near future permitting other languages to use Rust drivers.
+//! # Native Rust drivers
+//! Native Rust drivers will implement the abstract API consisting of the 
+//! - [Driver]
+//! - [Database]
+//! - [Connection]
+//! - [Statement]
+//! For drivers implemented in Rust, using these will be more efficient and
+//! safe, since it avoids the overhead of going through C FFI.
+//! # Driver Manager
+//! The [driver_manager] module allows loading drivers exposing the C API,
+//! either from an initialization function (link-time, either static or 
+//! or by dynamically finding such a function in a dynamic library (run-time).
+// TODO(alexandreyc): uncomment these lines during follow-up PRs
+// pub mod driver_exporter;
+// pub mod driver_manager;
+// pub use ffi::FFI_AdbcDriverInitFunc as AdbcDriverInitFunc;
+pub mod error;
+pub mod ffi;
+pub mod options;
+pub mod schemas;
+use arrow::datatypes::Schema;
+use arrow::record_batch::{RecordBatch, RecordBatchReader};
+use error::Result;
+use options::{OptionConnection, OptionDatabase, OptionStatement, OptionValue};
+/// Ability to configure an object by setting/getting options.
+pub trait Optionable {
+    type Option: AsRef<str>;
+    /// Set a post-init option.
+    fn set_option(&mut self, key: Self::Option, value: OptionValue) -> 
+    /// Get a string option value by key.
+    fn get_option_string(&self, key: Self::Option) -> Result<String>;
+    /// Get a bytes option value by key.
+    fn get_option_bytes(&self, key: Self::Option) -> Result<Vec<u8>>;
+    /// Get an integer option value by key.
+    fn get_option_int(&self, key: Self::Option) -> Result<i64>;
+    /// Get a float option value by key.
+    fn get_option_double(&self, key: Self::Option) -> Result<f64>;
+/// A handle to an ADBC driver.
+pub trait Driver {
+    type DatabaseType: Database;
+    /// Allocate and initialize a new database without pre-init options.
+    fn new_database(&self) -> Result<Self::DatabaseType>;
+    /// Allocate and initialize a new database with pre-init options.
+    fn new_database_with_opts(
+        &self,
+        opts: impl Iterator<Item = (OptionDatabase, OptionValue)>,
+    ) -> Result<Self::DatabaseType>;
+/// A handle to an ADBC database.
+/// Databases hold state shared by multiple connections. This typically means
+/// configuration and caches. For in-memory databases, it provides a place to
+/// hold ownership of the in-memory database.
+/// Databases must be kept alive as long as any connections exist.
+pub trait Database: Optionable<Option = OptionDatabase> {
+    type ConnectionType: Connection;
+    /// Allocate and initialize a new connection without pre-init options.
+    fn new_connection(&self) -> Result<Self::ConnectionType>;
+    /// Allocate and initialize a new connection with pre-init options.
+    fn new_connection_with_opts(
+        &self,
+        opts: impl Iterator<Item = (options::OptionConnection, OptionValue)>,
+    ) -> Result<Self::ConnectionType>;
+/// A handle to an ADBC connection.
+/// Connections provide methods for query execution, managing prepared
+/// statements, using transactions, and so on.
+/// # Autocommit
+/// Connections should start in autocommit mode. They can be moved out by
+/// setting [options::OptionConnection::AutoCommit] to "false". Turning off
+/// autocommit allows customizing the isolation level.
+pub trait Connection: Optionable<Option = OptionConnection> {
+    type StatementType: Statement;
+    /// Allocate and initialize a new statement.
+    fn new_statement(&self) -> Result<Self::StatementType>;
+    /// Cancel the in-progress operation on a connection.
+    fn cancel(&self) -> Result<()>;
+    /// Get metadata about the database/driver.
+    ///
+    /// # Arguments
+    ///
+    /// - `codes` - Requested metadata. If `None`, retrieve all available 
+    ///
+    /// # Result
+    ///
+    /// The result is an Arrow dataset with the following schema:
+    ///
+    /// Field Name                  | Field Type
+    /// ----------------------------|------------------------
+    /// info_name                   | uint32 not null
+    /// info_value                  | INFO_SCHEMA
+    ///
+    /// INFO_SCHEMA is a dense union with members:
+    ///
+    /// Field Name (Type Code)      | Field Type
+    /// ----------------------------|------------------------
+    /// string_value (0)            | utf8
+    /// bool_value (1)              | bool
+    /// int64_value (2)             | int64
+    /// int32_bitmask (3)           | int32
+    /// string_list (4)             | list\<utf8\>
+    /// int32_to_int32_list_map (5) | map\<int32, list\<int32\>\>
+    fn get_info(
+        &self,
+        codes: Option<Vec<options::InfoCode>>,
+    ) -> Result<impl RecordBatchReader + Send>;
+    /// Get a hierarchical view of all catalogs, database schemas, tables, and
+    /// columns.
+    ///
+    /// # Arguments
+    ///
+    /// - `depth` - The level of nesting to query.
+    /// - `catalog` - Only show tables in the given catalog. If `None`,
+    ///   do not filter by catalog. If an empty string, only show tables
+    ///   without a catalog.  May be a search pattern.
+    /// - `db_schema` - Only show tables in the given database schema. If
+    ///   `None`, do not filter by database schema. If an empty string, only 
+    ///   tables without a database schema. May be a search pattern.
+    /// - `table_name` - Only show tables with the given name. If `None`, do 
+    ///   filter by name. May be a search pattern.
+    /// - `table_type` - Only show tables matching one of the given table
+    ///   types. If `None`, show tables of any type. Valid table types can be 
+    ///   from [Connection::get_table_types].
+    /// - `column_name` - Only show columns with the given name. If
+    ///   `None`, do not filter by name.  May be a search pattern..
+    ///
+    /// # Result
+    ///
+    /// The result is an Arrow dataset with the following schema:
+    ///
+    /// | Field Name               | Field Type               |
+    /// |--------------------------|--------------------------|
+    /// | catalog_name             | utf8                     |
+    /// | catalog_db_schemas       | list\<DB_SCHEMA_SCHEMA\> |
+    ///
+    /// DB_SCHEMA_SCHEMA is a Struct with fields:
+    ///
+    /// | Field Name               | Field Type              |
+    /// |--------------------------|-------------------------|
+    /// | db_schema_name           | utf8                    |
+    /// | db_schema_tables         | list\<TABLE_SCHEMA\>    |
+    ///
+    /// TABLE_SCHEMA is a Struct with fields:
+    ///
+    /// | Field Name               | Field Type                |
+    /// |--------------------------|---------------------------|
+    /// | table_name               | utf8 not null             |
+    /// | table_type               | utf8 not null             |
+    /// | table_columns            | list\<COLUMN_SCHEMA\>     |
+    /// | table_constraints        | list\<CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA\> |
+    ///
+    /// COLUMN_SCHEMA is a Struct with fields:
+    ///
+    /// | Field Name               | Field Type              | Comments |
+    /// |--------------------------|-------------------------|----------|
+    /// | column_name              | utf8 not null           |          |
+    /// | ordinal_position         | int32                   | (1)      |
+    /// | remarks                  | utf8                    | (2)      |
+    /// | xdbc_data_type           | int16                   | (3)      |
+    /// | xdbc_type_name           | utf8                    | (3)      |
+    /// | xdbc_column_size         | int32                   | (3)      |
+    /// | xdbc_decimal_digits      | int16                   | (3)      |
+    /// | xdbc_num_prec_radix      | int16                   | (3)      |
+    /// | xdbc_nullable            | int16                   | (3)      |
+    /// | xdbc_column_def          | utf8                    | (3)      |
+    /// | xdbc_sql_data_type       | int16                   | (3)      |
+    /// | xdbc_datetime_sub        | int16                   | (3)      |
+    /// | xdbc_char_octet_length   | int32                   | (3)      |
+    /// | xdbc_is_nullable         | utf8                    | (3)      |
+    /// | xdbc_scope_catalog       | utf8                    | (3)      |
+    /// | xdbc_scope_schema        | utf8                    | (3)      |
+    /// | xdbc_scope_table         | utf8                    | (3)      |
+    /// | xdbc_is_autoincrement    | bool                    | (3)      |
+    /// | xdbc_is_generatedcolumn  | bool                    | (3)      |
+    ///
+    /// 1. The column's ordinal position in the table (starting from 1).
+    /// 2. Database-specific description of the column.
+    /// 3. Optional value.  Should be null if not supported by the driver.
+    ///    `xdbc_` values are meant to provide JDBC/ODBC-compatible metadata
+    ///    in an agnostic manner.
+    ///
+    /// CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA is a Struct with fields:
+    ///
+    /// | Field Name               | Field Type              | Comments |
+    /// |--------------------------|-------------------------|----------|
+    /// | constraint_name          | utf8                    |          |
+    /// | constraint_type          | utf8 not null           | (1)      |
+    /// | constraint_column_names  | list\<utf8\> not null     | (2)      |
+    /// | constraint_column_usage  | list\<USAGE_SCHEMA\>      | (3)      |
+    ///
+    /// 1. One of `CHECK`, `FOREIGN KEY`, `PRIMARY KEY`, or `UNIQUE`.
+    /// 2. The columns on the current table that are constrained, in
+    ///    order.
+    /// 3. For `FOREIGN KEY` only, the referenced table and columns.
+    ///
+    /// USAGE_SCHEMA is a Struct with fields:
+    ///
+    /// | Field Name               | Field Type              |
+    /// |--------------------------|-------------------------|
+    /// | fk_catalog               | utf8                    |
+    /// | fk_db_schema             | utf8                    |
+    /// | fk_table                 | utf8 not null           |
+    /// | fk_column_name           | utf8 not null           |
+    ///
+    fn get_objects(
+        &self,
+        depth: options::ObjectDepth,
+        catalog: Option<&str>,
+        db_schema: Option<&str>,
+        table_name: Option<&str>,
+        table_type: Option<Vec<&str>>,
+        column_name: Option<&str>,
+    ) -> Result<impl RecordBatchReader + Send>;
+    /// Get the Arrow schema of a table.
+    ///
+    /// # Arguments
+    ///
+    /// - `catalog` - The catalog (or `None` if not applicable).
+    /// - `db_schema` - The database schema (or `None` if not applicable).
+    /// - `table_name` - The table name.
+    fn get_table_schema(
+        &self,
+        catalog: Option<&str>,
+        db_schema: Option<&str>,
+        table_name: &str,
+    ) -> Result<Schema>;
+    /// Get a list of table types in the database.
+    ///
+    /// # Result
+    ///
+    /// The result is an Arrow dataset with the following schema:
+    ///
+    /// Field Name     | Field Type
+    /// ---------------|--------------
+    /// table_type     | utf8 not null
+    fn get_table_types(&self) -> Result<impl RecordBatchReader + Send>;
+    /// Get the names of statistics specific to this driver.
+    ///
+    /// # Result
+    ///
+    /// The result is an Arrow dataset with the following schema:
+    ///
+    /// Field Name     | Field Type
+    /// ---------------|----------------
+    /// statistic_name | utf8 not null
+    /// statistic_key  | int16 not null
+    ///
+    /// # Since
+    /// ADBC API revision 1.1.0
+    fn get_statistic_names(&self) -> Result<impl RecordBatchReader + Send>;
+    /// Get statistics about the data distribution of table(s).
+    ///
+    /// # Arguments
+    ///
+    /// - `catalog` - The catalog (or `None` if not applicable). May be a 
search pattern.
+    /// - `db_schema` - The database schema (or `None` if not applicable). May 
be a search pattern
+    /// - `table_name` - The table name (or `None` if not applicable). May be 
a search pattern
+    /// - `approximate` - If false, request exact values of statistics, else
+    /// allow for best-effort, approximate, or cached values. The database may
+    /// return approximate values regardless, as indicated in the result.
+    /// Requesting exact values may be expensive or unsupported.
+    ///
+    /// # Result
+    ///
+    /// The result is an Arrow dataset with the following schema:
+    ///
+    /// | Field Name               | Field Type                       |
+    /// |--------------------------|----------------------------------|
+    /// | catalog_name             | utf8                             |
+    /// | catalog_db_schemas       | list\<DB_SCHEMA_SCHEMA\> not null|
+    ///
+    /// DB_SCHEMA_SCHEMA is a Struct with fields:
+    ///
+    /// | Field Name               | Field Type                        |
+    /// |--------------------------|-----------------------------------|
+    /// | db_schema_name           | utf8                              |
+    /// | db_schema_statistics     | list\<STATISTICS_SCHEMA\> not null|
+    ///
+    /// STATISTICS_SCHEMA is a Struct with fields:
+    ///
+    /// | Field Name               | Field Type                       | 
Comments |
+    /// |--------------------------|----------------------------------| 
-------- |
+    /// | table_name               | utf8 not null                    |        
+    /// | column_name              | utf8                             | (1)    
+    /// | statistic_key            | int16 not null                   | (2)    
+    /// | statistic_value          | VALUE_SCHEMA not null            |        
+    /// | statistic_is_approximate | bool not null                    | (3)    
+    ///
+    /// 1. If null, then the statistic applies to the entire table.
+    /// 2. A dictionary-encoded statistic name (although we do not use the 
+    ///    dictionary type). Values in [0, 1024) are reserved for ADBC.  Other
+    ///    values are for implementation-specific statistics.  For the 
+    ///    of predefined statistic types, TODO (change this when statistics 
enum is added )
+    ///     see \ref adbc-table-statistics. To get
+    ///    driver-specific statistic names, use 
+    /// 3. If true, then the value is approximate or best-effort.
+    ///
+    /// VALUE_SCHEMA is a dense union with members:
+    ///
+    /// | Field Name               | Field Type                       |
+    /// |--------------------------|----------------------------------|
+    /// | int64                    | int64                            |
+    /// | uint64                   | uint64                           |
+    /// | float64                  | float64                          |
+    /// | binary                   | binary                           |
+    ///
+    /// # Since
+    ///
+    /// ADBC API revision 1.1.0
+    fn get_statistics(
+        &self,
+        catalog: Option<&str>,
+        db_schema: Option<&str>,
+        table_name: Option<&str>,
+        approximate: bool,
+    ) -> Result<impl RecordBatchReader + Send>;
+    /// Commit any pending transactions. Only used if autocommit is disabled.
+    ///
+    /// Behavior is undefined if this is mixed with SQL transaction statements.
+    fn commit(&self) -> Result<()>;
+    /// Roll back any pending transactions. Only used if autocommit is 
+    ///
+    /// Behavior is undefined if this is mixed with SQL transaction statements.
+    fn rollback(&self) -> Result<()>;
+    /// Retrieve a given partition of data.
+    ///
+    /// A partition can be retrieved from [Statement::execute_partitions].
+    ///
+    /// # Arguments
+    ///
+    /// - `partition` - The partition descriptor.
+    fn read_partition(&self, partition: &[u8]) -> Result<impl 
RecordBatchReader + Send>;
+/// A handle to an ADBC statement.
+/// A statement is a container for all state needed to execute a database 
+/// such as the query itself, parameters for prepared statements, driver
+/// parameters, etc.
+/// Statements may represent queries or prepared statements.
+/// Statements may be used multiple times and can be reconfigured
+/// (e.g. they can be reused to execute multiple different queries).
+/// However, executing a statement (and changing certain other state)
+/// will invalidate result sets obtained prior to that execution.
+/// Multiple statements may be created from a single connection.
+/// However, the driver may block or error if they are used concurrently
+/// (whether from a single thread or multiple threads).
+pub trait Statement: Optionable<Option = OptionStatement> {
+    /// Bind Arrow data. This can be used for bulk inserts or prepared
+    /// statements.
+    fn bind(&self, batch: RecordBatch) -> Result<()>;
+    /// Bind Arrow data. This can be used for bulk inserts or prepared
+    /// statements.
+    fn bind_stream(&self, reader: Box<dyn RecordBatchReader + Send>) -> 

Review Comment:
   That would mean that an implementation of `Statement` will have to define 
which impl of `RecordBatchReader` it will use here.
   I would rather suggest making bind_stream generic with `R: RecordBatchReader 
+ Send`.

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