avantgardnerio opened a new issue, #6793:
URL: https://github.com/apache/arrow-rs/issues/6793

   **Describe the bug**
   with_checksum_algorithm fails when used in with CsvWriter on large files
   **To Reproduce**
   1.     Set standard AWS env vars
   2.     Run test
   3.     observe
   Error: status: Internal, 
   message: "Query failed with error: 
   Error encountered while finalizing writes! Partial results may have been 
written to ObjectStore! 
   Generic S3 error: 
   Client error with status 400 Bad Request: <?xml version=\"1.0\" 
   Checksum Type mismatch occurred, expected checksum Type: null, actual 
checksum Type: sha256
   **Expected behavior**
   It should write the file
   **Additional context**
   See PR for failing test

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