alamb commented on issue #200:

   Comment from Jorge Leitão(jorgecarleitao) @ 2021-03-06T19:50:27.340+0000:
   <pre>Not much to say other than AWESOME! Look very nuch forward to it!</pre>
   Comment from Neville Dipale(nevi_me) @ 2021-03-07T09:34:38.277+0000:
   <pre>This sounds like a solid proposal, I also like the split that you 
suggest :)
   Comment from Daniël Heres(Dandandan) @ 2021-03-07T09:56:26.934+0000:
   <pre>That sounds like a cool idea. I like the idea of a very thin 
abstraction that doesn't sacrifice performance.
   For the iterator type, I think the count might not be (always) necessary? As 
it can depend on the datatype, or will be always be the same (1 or 32 / etc) 
for the other types? Are there situations were we really need the count?</pre>
   Comment from Yordan Pavlov(yordan-pavlov) @ 2021-03-07T11:00:25.271+0000:
   <pre>[~Dandandan] regarding the count values, yes you are right - in the 
case of string arrays, the generated count values will always equal 1. But the 
count values may still be useful in cases where a primitive array is split 
across multiple non-contiguous slices, e.g. due to page boundaries. It may be 
possible to calculate the count values based on the data type (I have to think 
more about that), but at the moment I still like how they make the expected 
value count explicit. This could change during implementation though.</pre>
   Comment from Daniël Heres(Dandandan) @ 2021-03-07T21:38:03.584+0000:
   <pre>[~yordan-pavlov] makes sense, thanks!</pre>
   Comment from Daniël Heres(Dandandan) @ 2021-03-27T11:54:01.798+0000:
   <pre>[~yordan-pavlov] just checking - any updates to share and could you use 
some help?
   Any idea yet how the work could be split into multiple issues / PRs?
   Maybe I could focus on a subtask if we can split the work.
   I think it would be amazing to have a faster Parquet reader, even if it 
"only" is 5-10% - as it's a large performance bottleneck now :).
   Do you have some WIP code & experiments that could use a review?</pre>
   Comment from Yordan Pavlov(yordan-pavlov) @ 2021-03-28T23:04:23.361+0000:
   <pre>Hi [~Dandandan], apologies I should have updated on my progress 
earlier, but I was busy trying things out.
   My thinking so far has been in the lines of how to replace pretty much the 
entire path from parquet pages all the way into arrow arrays using iterators 
(because I am hoping that an iterator-based implementation would minimize 
unnecessary memory allocation). Something like this: 
   Iterator<RowGroup> >> Iterator<(ColumnChunkContext, Page)> >> 
Iterator<(ValueSliceIterator, DefLevelIterator, RepLevelIterator)>
   >> (Iterator<ValueSliceIterator>, Iterator<DefLevelIterator>, 
   So far I have implemented splitting an iterator into multiple (parallel) 
iterators based on 
   This will be useful, as illustrated above, for splitting an iterator over 
pages into iterators over values, def levels and rep levels which can be 
consume independently (but usually in parallel).
   Also, in the past week I have been working on an splitting an iterator of 
byte slices into iterators that return no more than batch_size items - I have 
almost figured out how to do this, I just have to make it a bit more generic 
and do some more benchmarking. I would also like to do some benchmarking with 
[] (which appears to 
be an alternative implementation of the ByteBufferPtr that already exists in 
the parquet crate).
   Figuring out exactly how the work will be split into different PRs is what I 
will focus on next, but I already have some ideas:
   I think would be to start small, by building on PageIterator::next() -> 
PageReader to produce an iterator of pages, something like:
   // create iterator of (contiguous) data slices across all pages from all row 
   row_group_iter // iter of PageReader
     // add row group context using the scan() operator
     .iter_mut().flat_map(|x| {
         // the column chunk / row group context is used to store dictionaries 
for dictionary-encoded chunks
         let context = Rc::new(RefCell::new(IterContext::new())); |v| (context.clone(), v))
     }) // iter of (mut RowGroupContext, Page)
     .map(|(c, p)| { 
       let mut context = c.borrow_mut();
     }) // iter of AsRef<[u8]>
   Iterating over pages is something that is implemented inconsistently for 
primitive and complex types, and I would like to ultimately merge the two 
implementations, so that there is no more primitive or complex array reader, 
just a single arrow array reader using adapters / converters for different 
types of arrays.
   Also the decoding functionality implemented in each parquet type is only 
used by the plain decoder (and not used by any other decoder) and I would look 
to move this away from the types and into the plain decoder where it belongs.
   Then, I would look into implementing the Iterator<Item = AsRef<[u8]>> idea 
for the different decoders and also into how exactly the adaptors / converters 
for different types of arrays would work.
   I am open to suggestions on how we could collaborate better on this. Let me 
know what you think.</pre>
   Comment from Jorge Leitão(jorgecarleitao) @ 2021-03-29T05:40:15.197+0000:
   <pre>FWIW, I started going through the parquet crate and re-write some parts 
of it. There are many, many opportunities to improve performance there.
   I also agree with you that we should push the "to arrow" to the page level. 
Also, IMO we should scratch the "DataType" and instead implement a specific 
implementation for boolean, (i32, i64, float, double), byteArray, 
   I am looking into the encodings, and IMO there is some work groundwork that 
we need to take before going for the arrow-specific problem.
   I am looking at the RLE encoding, and I think that it may not be correct 
atm. Parquet [expects a 4-byte 
 but we only take a 1-byte length (i.e. up to 255 values). I do not know how we 
can even read def, ref levels, and boolean values with our encoder atm.
   I also found [this 
crate|] that seems to be 
implementing the encoding we need, including ordered, with SIMD instructions. 
We could probably think about depending on it.
   What I did so far: created a new repo from scratch and started moving bits 
by bits things there, going through a full review of the code (my personal way 
of reading and understanding code).
   I think that the easiest way would be to have a call where we would align 
knowledge and priorities.</pre>
   Comment from Yordan Pavlov(yordan-pavlov) @ 2021-03-29T09:24:04.726+0000:
   <pre>[~jorgecarleitao] thank you for looking into the parquet encoding code; 
I was also looking into the RLE code, because I needed to understand how it 
would fit with an Iterator<AsRef<[u8]>> abstraction. I do agree that the RLE 
code needs improvement / simplification and it could also be made faster (e.g. 
using SIMD) and if a library can be used to do all that - great. I also agree 
that there are many improvement opportunities throughout the parquet crate and 
it will continue to be an area of focus for me for a while, but sadly I only 
have a couple of hours per day to spare. 
   When you said "to have a call" what did you have in mind in terms of 
frequency (e.g. weekly, bi-weekly, etc.) and channel (zoom, telegram, etc.) 
   Comment from Jorge Leitão(jorgecarleitao) @ 2021-03-30T06:14:34.779+0000:
   <pre>Ok, so, just to give a heads up: I have been experimenting with the 
code, and here is the result so far: 
   I was able to read a parquet file with arbitrary parallelism (the IO-CPU 
tradeoff is delegated to downstream). The missing parts are decoding and 
deserialization, which IMO is what [~yordan-pavlov] is thinking about.
   I reduced the problem to: given an iterator of decompressed (but encoded) 
pages, convert it to an arrow Array. IMO when no encoding is used, we either 
use a back-to-back or similar (e.g. Int96 is special). When encoding is used, 
we should probably decode directly to buffers, so that we avoid an extra 
   [~yordan-pavlov], do you use slack? There is an arrow-rust channel on the 
official Apache slack: [] We 
could sync there.
   Comment from Yordan Pavlov(yordan-pavlov) @ 2021-03-30T08:54:56.298+0000:
   <pre>[~jorgecarleitao] I would be happy to have a chat in Slack, but it 
appears that an email address is necessary to join and I don't have 
   Also, I noticed that in your parquet2 repo, a separate page iterator is 
created for each row group, very similar to how it works currently. I was 
planning to wrap multiple row group page iterators into a single iterator 
returning a sequence of pages from multiple row groups (see the code snippet in 
my previous comment).</pre>
   Comment from Daniël Heres(Dandandan) @ 2021-03-30T10:12:09.111+0000:
   <pre>[~yordan-pavlov] you can join the apache slack here:</pre>
   Comment from Jorge Leitão(jorgecarleitao) @ 2021-03-30T10:48:14.441+0000:
   <pre>I see. To understand: is there a reason why this should be in [Parquet] 
instead of in [DataFusion]? I.e. why should we push a specific parallelism 
strategy to the library?
   Asking this because the way I see it, the parquet crate can't tell which 
use-case is being used on and provide an optimal strategy for (one record per 
page, per group or per file or per files?). For example, s3 vs hdfs vs local 
file-system typically require different parallelism strategies.
   My hypothesis (which may be wrong!) is that the parquet crate should offer 
"units of work" that can be divided/parallelized according to IO (e.g. s3 vs 
filesystem), memory and CPU constraints that each consumer has, and allow 
consumers of the library (e.g. DataFusion, Polars, Ballista, s3 vs hdfs vs 
file-system) to design strategies that fit their constraints the best, by 
assembling these units according to their compute model.</pre>
   Comment from Yordan Pavlov(yordan-pavlov) @ 2021-04-05T18:51:49.565+0000:
   <pre>UPDATE: after spending the past few weeks figuring out how different 
steps could be implemented on the way from page buffer to arrow array (such as 
create iterator of pages across row groups, share dictionary data between pages 
in the same row column chunk, split page buffer into different iterators for 
data, rep and def levels, and reading batches of values), my next step is going 
to be implementing this idea end-to-end for a particular type of array 
(StringArray). In this way the idea can be tested sooner (in terms of 
performance, etc.), reviewed and feedback collected, before expanding the 
implementation for more types. I hope to have an initial implementation in 
about a week.</pre>
   Comment from Yordan Pavlov(yordan-pavlov) @ 2021-04-13T21:51:19.494+0000:
   <pre>I have finally been able to assemble enough code to demonstrate the 
core idea and have created a branch here 
   The test doesn't pass yet, but the code compiles and demonstrates how an 
iterator could be created over many pages from many row groups / column chunks, 
and then split into separate iterators for (values, def levels, rep levels) and 
then read in batches.
   The iterator is created in ArrowArrayReader::try_new and used in 
<ArrowArrayReader as ArrayReader>::next_batch.
   My plan is that ArrowArrayReader will replace both PrimitiveArrayReader and 
ComplexObjectArrayReader when arrow array converters have been implemented for 
all types.
   Feedback is most welcome.
   Next steps are:
    * complete implementation to define arrow array converter interface
    * implement decoder iterator for def / rep levels
    * implement decoder iterator for plain encoding
    * implement StringArray converter
    * make unit test pass
    * attempt to replace ComplexObjectArrayReader for StringArrays
    * benchmark performance
    * create initial PR
   After this initial PR, implementing arrow array converters for the remaining 
types could be done in separate PRs.</pre>
   Comment from Yordan Pavlov(yordan-pavlov) @ 2021-04-18T20:13:44.587+0000:
   <pre>UPDATE: over the past few days I managed to finish the core 
implementation of the new ArrowArrayReader with the key bits being:
    * the converters will only produce an all-value / no-null ArrayData 
instance - this simplifies the converter interface and keeps all other logic 
    * if no def levels are available, this no-null ArrayData produced from the 
converter is simply converted to an array and returned without changes
    * if def levels are available, a BooleanArray is created from the def 
levels and used to efficiently determine how many values to read and also 
efficiently insert NULLs using MutableArrayData (with an algorithm very similar 
to zip()) - this implementation re-uses as much of the existing arrow code as 
    * the StringArray converter has been implemented as a function before 
moving to a converter in a later change
   Next steps are:
    * implement decoder iterator for def / rep levels
    * implement decoder iterator for plain encoding
    * make unit test pass
    * attempt to replace ComplexObjectArrayReader for StringArrays
    * benchmark performance
    * create initial PR
   the latest changes can be found here:</pre>
   Comment from Yordan Pavlov(yordan-pavlov) @ 2021-04-21T21:49:50.476+0000:
   <pre>UPDATE: I have now implemented the level decoder iterator and support 
for def and rep levels in the ArrowArrayReader here:
   This commit incudes a change to load def / rep levels into Int16Array which 
is used to efficiently calculate the null bitmap for values from def levels 
using arrow::compute::eq_scalar.</pre>
   Comment from Yordan Pavlov(yordan-pavlov) @ 2021-04-25T20:58:50.034+0000:
   <pre>UPDATE: I have added the ArrayConverter trait, implemented decoder 
iterators for plain encoding, and the string array test now passes;
   the latest changes can be found here: 
   Next steps are:
    * attempt to replace ComplexObjectArrayReader for StringArrays
    * implement missing parts to make ArrowArrayReader work for StringArrays 
(likely RLE and dictionary encodings)
    * benchmark performance
    * create initial PR</pre>

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