Grr... Google Groups 'fixed' the email address.  That would be 'get'
vs 'git'.

On Feb 12, 10:19 pm, Michael Price <> wrote:
> Sorry for the spam.  I figured it out. '' instead of
> ''
> Doh.
> On Feb 12, 10:10 pm, Michael Price <> wrote:
> > I just set up a new public repo, but when I do my first push using
> > 'git push origin master', it fails with the following:
> > Permission denied (publickey).
> > fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
> > On the advice of many forums, I tried connecting directly to github
> > using ssh with the following command 'ssh' and it
> > returns what appears to be a successful connection:
> > PTY allocation request failed on channel 0
> > Hi michaelbprice! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does
> > not provide shell access.
> >               Connection to closed.
> > Here is the contents of my .git/config file:
> > [core]
> >         repositoryformatversion = 0
> >         filemode = true
> >         bare = false
> >         logallrefupdates = true
> >         ignorecase = true
> > [remote "origin"]
> >         url =
> >         fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
> > Any ideas?

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