On 08/08/2014 06:57 PM, Bartosz Cisek wrote:
> Hi,
> TLDR: we have php code in files with .rst extension. Opening them in
> gitlab browser ends with 500 (Page can't be loaded because of an
> encoding error.)
> Recently our company started using gitlab and during migration process
> we discovered that some old PHP code is still in files with .rst
> extension (vide company name).
> Trying to open them in gitlab browser ends with 500 (Page can't be
> loaded because of an encoding error.)
> I found that giltab recognizes .rst file as reStructuredText and that in
> vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/gitlab-linguist-3.0.0/lib/linguist/languages.yml
> there is file extension to language matching.
> I've added .rst extension to php list and removed it from
> reStructuredText but didn't help.
> Could somebody please advise me where should I seek for a solution?
> Thanks in advance ;)
> GitLab 6.9.2
> GitLab Shell 1.9.4
> GitLab API v3
> Ruby 1.9.3p194
> Rails 4.0.5
> Bartek

There is an open issue [0] about rst and 500 page. See if it matches
your case. If a fix is merged it should ship with the next GitLab version.

[0] https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/296

Blog: http://axilleas.me

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