On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 4:03 PM, Mike Jackson <imikejack...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Ruby: I could not figure out the difference between "normal" ruby and
> "enterprise" ruby so I defaulted to the "normal" ruby that ships with Ubuntu
> 10.04. If Enterprise Ruby is pretty much a drop in replacement then that
> could certainly be used. I can make some notes in the gitorious installation
> section noting such.

There are actually quite a few Ruby versions out there these days:
- Ruby 1.8.6, aka. MRI (Matz' Ruby Implementation). An older Ruby, still in
use some places
- Ruby 1.8.7: a partial back port of some features found in Ruby 1.9. Does
not change *everything*, most Rails sites uses this these days
- Ruby 1.9.1: the first official release of YARV (Yet Another Ruby VM),
which introduces quite a few incompatible changes compared to 1.8.6. We used
this version on gitorious.org previously, but found encoding issues (1.9 is
encoding aware) and lacking Rails support to be show stoppers
- Ruby 1.9.2: The 1.9 release targeted by the Rails team.
- Ruby Enterprise Edition: A 1.8.7 build with some major performance
enhancements which make a big difference when deploying Rails apps. This is
what gitorious.org uses, but it is not in any Linux distro repositories

In addition to a few implementations not written in C:
- JRuby: written in java, running on the JVM. A very fast Ruby, Gitorious
currently doesn't run on jruby
- Rubinius: Ruby written in Ruby. Inspired by Smalltalk implementations,
Rubinius implements only some bare primitives in C; most of Rubinius is
written in Ruby itself. I haven't tried running Gitorious under Rubinius, it
may work in Rails 3

- Marius

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