On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 3:42 PM, Michael Jackson <imikejack...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I have a public facing Gitorious installation for use by our teams. It is
> currently running on some pretty modest hardware (single core 3.0 GHZ
> processor). For each page load there seems to be a large delay (about 10
> seconds) on the first few page views in the morning then things seem to
> speed up a bit after that. Even pushing there is a noticeable delay from
> when the SSH connection occurs to when the pushing begins. I am looking at a
> hardware sever upgrade and would like to know what the best bang for the
> buck would be? More CPU Cores? More clock speed? RAID Disks? Memory does not
> seem to be an issue. I have 3GB in the server and always have 1.5 of that
> free. My own thinking is that having more cores (Quad Core I5) would be
> better so that all the processes can better share the CPU resources?

It sounds like Passenger puts your Gitorious processes to sleep after some
inactivity, and that the wait time is due to Passenger starting up new Rails
processes when you connect. This would happen whenever you push too, since
the SSH "service" (or rather the hooks called when pushing) connect to the
local server when clients connect. Faster disks should also give a good
performance gain.

top should give you some hard numbers to indicate the load on your CPU, but
in general I think IO is what slows down a busy Gitorious server (Git is
really heavy on IO). If the response time is bad also after the initial
"warm-up" time, scaling the server could be something to look into.

The best place to start is probably to configure Passenger to keep around a
few Rails processes, the documentation at
http://modrails.com/documentation.html should explain how to set this up.

- Marius

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