On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 10:29 AM, MattB <baxte...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I set up a gitorious install on ubuntu 10.10, and everything was going
> great until I tried to clone a new repository.  Clientside gets the
> temporary error message, and gitorious_auth.log has the slightly more
> informative "Connection refused querying for paths/permissions."  I'm
> wondering what would trigger this error.

The server you're connecting to needs to be able to connect to
"itself" via HTTP, ie. the hostname and port specified for
gitorious_client_host and gitorious_client_port in the production
section of config/gitorious.yml. You should be able to curl/wget to
http://<gitorious_client_host>:<gitorious_client_port> from the server
and get a response from the Gitorious server.

- Marius

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