On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 7:19 PM, Areva <arevafield...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Apparently I really have no clue on the upgrade. The site will
> not upgrade using git fetch as stated in the wiki for upgrade, says on
> the merge does not point to commit.

Hmm, this doesn't seem right - which URL are you using and which commit is
the warning about?

> So maintaining the code on the client machine I would like to push the
> branch changes to the production WebServer, this is where I get all
> jacked up. Can't seem to wrap my head around how to proceed with this
> so that any change I make can be pushed up to the production
> webserver.

What we're doing for gitorious.org is roughly:
- we have a separate git repo/branch on a separate server that contains our
deployment configuration (a Capistrano recipe, I'll get to that later).
Whenever we get ready to deploy, we merge mainline's master into this branch
and push the changes for that branch to our server. Doing something similar
you could keep your customizations in a separate branch and merge/rebase
master onto that.
- we use Capistrano (https://github.com/capistrano/capistrano/wiki) to
deploy to the server. Unless you have something you know is better, you
should use Capistrano too. In our configuration, Capistrano will deploy to
our servers from the separate branch I mentioned above. When you deploy
using Capistrano, you don't need to worry about removing cached
javascript/css files; simply point Capistrano to a branch and it will deploy
from there.
- if you use the Gitorious version tags (
https://gitorious.org/gitorious/pages/Versioning), merge the given tag into
your branch instead of master

- Marius

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