On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 8:17 PM, Jon la Cour <j...@lacour.me> wrote:

> In the production.log file the only error is "The specified
> gitorious_host is reserved in Gitorious". On the wiki it says that
> Gitorious reserves git.* for git cloning. Would that at all effect the
> login issue, or is it more something to do with cookies?

This sounds like a cookie issue. I assume you're accessing the site using
whatever hostname is specified in gitorious.yml, right? One place to start
is to check the Set-Cookie headers sent from your server (http and https,
these need to be the same). You can do this either with a browser
plugin/equivalent, or using curl. The Set-Cookie response header will
contain a domain part which should match the hostname you're using - does

- Marius

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