On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 12:38 PM, Wari Wahab <wari.wa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> **
> YES! My bad! Thanks for the clue :) Worked again for me.

Ah, great!

PS: Are you going to incorporate Martin's work with authenticated bind? Or
> at least allow non encrypted LDAP queries. I had to change
> lib/gitorious/authentication/ldap_authentication.rb:
> @encryption = (options["encryption"] || "simple_tls").to_sym
> to
> @encryption = options["encryption"].to_sym if options.key?("encryption")
> In order to get auth to work for my case.

Hmm, seems like Net::LDAP doesn't let us pass anything to disable encryption
altogether - so your change sounds reasonable (although authenticating over
an encrypted line doesn't :-) ). Mind submitting a merge request for that?

As for the authenticated bind I will accept a merge request as long as it:
- doesn't break any of the tests
- contains a test case that will fail if we happen to break the
functionality down the road

- Marius

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