On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 8:42 PM, Phil Beiler <phil.bei...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I followed the simple directions (
> https://gitorious.org/gitorious/pages/WebHooks) but am not having much
> success...  Running a local install of Gitorious on Redhat...
>  fundamentally working fine... installed about 1 month ago...
> I gave up - trying to hit my Jenkin's server (the notifyCommit url does
> work as expected)....  So I  move to testing with the Request Bin service...
> >> hook = repo.hooks.find_by_id 1
> => #<Hook id: 1, user_id: 2, repository_id: 40, url: "
> http://requestb.in/tc5kbvtc";, last_response: "500 Internal Server Error",
> created_at: "2012-05-14 17:04:18", updated_at: "2012-05-14 18:12:44",
> failed_request_count: 3, successful_request_count: 0>
> Here is what I observed...
> 1. Does not appear to have even tried to hit Jenkins or Request Bin
>  (nothing in my Tomcat log for Jenkins)

Hmm, it must have hit *something* - something has caused it to fail 3
times, last of which with a 500.

2. Nothing in the rails logs...

Error messages would go to the message_processing.log file - anything in

> 3. The failed-request-count variable "stopped" being updated....

Try setting it to 0 and see if it increments (I seem to remember that we
check the # of failed requests in order to not waste resources on dead
hooks, but  I'm not sure).

- Marius

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