On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 11:21 PM, Donald Henderson <
donald.henderso...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have just installed my own deployment of Gitorious. It's a Debian
> Squeeze box, hosted by Linode, 512MB of RAM and shared access to a
> quad-core 3GHz Xeon. Running Ruby 1.8 and the latest rails. Only change I
> had to make from the standard procedure was update Rots manually as bundle
> wasn't pulling it from GitHub.

I'm afraid 512 megs of RAM isn't going to get you very far :-( The
Gitorious Rails environment will take a few hundred megs, and you'll need
at least two instances to get any work done (a webapp instance and a
message queue poller).

Each time your server goes from serving you web pages to doing background
work, it will have to do a lot of swapping; this could explain why the app
feels reasonably snappy until you upload an SSH key (which will be
processed by the message queue poller).

One thing you could try is to switch to syncronous messaging, this will
save you the memory required for the message queue poller - but you really
should get some more memory.

- Marius

The problem I'm having is that it's slow to the point of being unusable.
> There is nothing else running on the server except exim. I've tried from
> both Chrome and Firefox and am seeing the issue with both, so I don't think
> it's the browser.
> When I first hit the homepage, whether already logged in or not, it takes
> a genuine 5 seconds to load, with a 99-100% ruby1.8 process running.
> Browsing speeds up after that, but when I try to, for example, add an SSH
> key or configure teams, it hangs and doesn't respond. I have restarted the
> server (and apache2) and these have reset the connection. I have also left
> it for up to 5 minutes before giving up.
> There is nothing good in log/production.log but a lot of
> connect failed: Connection refused - connect(2) will retry in 5
> in the apache error log
> I have read
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/gitorious/2Y6wwE_V7Vc/nIfeAiW0IkQJ and
> the stomp server seems to be installed and running
> Can anyone point me to what might be wrong?
>  --
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Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
Rubyist, Shortcut AS
Tel.: (+47) 92 60 95 38.


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