That's exactly what I was thinking, but I haven't come up with any good explanation - haven't seen these symptoms before.

To address your earlier thoughts on reinstalling etc. I don't think reinstalling the underlying OS or dependent services makes any difference here, and submodules, like you mentioned, are probably not the issue.

Seems like the process is simply missing stuff in its ruby load path for some reason. More specifially in the process which is picking up messages from the queue. Maybe have another look at how your queue is set up?


On 08/14/2012 10:17 PM, esc201 wrote:
Just to see what would happen, I commented out lines 36, 37, and 38 in push_processor.rb. I restarted everything, and got the error:

NoMethodError: undefined method `project' for nil:NilClass

/var/www/gitorious/lib/push_event_logger.rb:48:in `build_push_event'
        /var/www/gitorious/lib/push_event_logger.rb:53:in `create_push_event'
        /var/www/gitorious/app/processors/push_processor.rb:53:in `process_push'
        /var/www/gitorious/app/processors/push_processor.rb:41:in `on_message'
        /var/www/gitorious/lib/gitorious/messaging.rb:82:in `consume'

It's like I'm missing some code, but I don't know what. Hmm.

On Tuesday, August 14, 2012 3:52:01 AM UTC-4, esc201 wrote:

    Hi Thomas,

    Thanks for sticking with this.

    Earlier today I tried deleting the database, using the ruby
    package from yum, and re-cloning from mainline again. I also used
    the sample gitorious.yml config with only the necessary changes to
    get this running. None of this fixed the "NoMethodError: undefined
    method `wiki?' for nil:NilClass" error though.

    The git output you requested is here:

    Two things I've noticed as I was setting everything backup again:
    1. I get this error " (at master)
    is not checked out. Please run bundle install"
    everytime after a fresh clone. I run "bundle install --path
    vendor/cache" to fix it as described in the SO question:

    2. Another problem I have is I have to run "git submodule init"
    and "git submodule update" in order to resolve an issue with
    spin.js not being present.

    I don't know if either of these are relevant, but it can't hurt to
    mention them.

    The only other thing I can think to do is a fresh install of RHEL
    on the server (gitorious is currently the only thing on it so it's
    not that big of a deal). Is there a possibility this could fix it?
    Or is it a waste of time?

    Thanks again.

    On 08/13/2012 06:14 AM, Thomas Kjeldahl Nilsson wrote:
    Hello again,

    I'm currently unable to recreate this. Could you do me a favor,
    though? Run git log the app/models/repository.rb:

    git log --pretty=oneline app/models/repository.rb

    and paste/reply what you see. I wonder if your code is fully up
    to date.


    On 08/10/2012 09:14 AM, esc201 wrote:

    My Ruby version is:
    # ./ruby --version
    ruby 1.8.7 (2012-02-08 MBARI 8/0x6770 on patchlevel 358)
    [x86_64-linux], MBARI 0x6770, Ruby Enterprise Edition 2012.02

    /proc info for the processes seems to confirm that version 1.8.7
    is in fact being used (/opt/ruby is a symlink to my Ruby
    Enterprise directory).

    # ps aux | grep ruby
    git 4582  0.0  1.5  94620 15600 ?        S    Aug09 0:27
    /opt/ruby/bin/ruby /usr/bin/stompserver -w
    /var/www/gitorious/tmp/stomp -q file -s queue
    git 4614  0.0 13.9 269068 142244 ?       S    Aug09 0:00 ruby
    /var/www/gitorious/script/git-daemon -d
    # ls -la /proc/4614/exe
    lrwxrwxrwx. 1 git apache 0 Aug 10 03:05 /proc/4614/exe ->

    Although, if I'm not mistaken Passenger should be using a Ruby
    interpreter as well. I'm unsure how to figure out which one it's


    On Friday, August 10, 2012 2:55:28 AM UTC-4, Thomas Kjeldahl
    Nilsson wrote:

        Taking a look at this later today, haven't seen this on our
        end. BTW which specific Ruby version are you running the
        processes on?


        On 08/09/2012 07:58 PM, esc201 wrote:
        Hi Thomas,

        Thanks for the reply!

        I pulled your changes and rebooted my server, and while the
        "gitdir" error is now gone, it seems to have been replaced
        with another error.

        NoMethodError: undefined method `wiki?' for nil:NilClass
        The other error still persists as well.


        The config I'm using is:

        cookie_secret: ******
        repository_base_path: "/home/git/repos"
        site_name: ******
        use_ssl: true
        gitorious_client_port: 80
        gitorious_client_host: localhost
        gitorious_host: *****
        gitorious_user: git
        exception_notification_emails: *****
        gitorious_support_email: *****
        mangle_email_addresses: false
        public_mode: false
        locale: en
        archive_cache_dir: "/home/git/tarballs"
        archive_work_dir: "/home/git/tarball-work"
        only_site_admins_can_create_projects: false
        hide_http_clone_urls: false
        is_gitorious_dot_org: false

        I'm still new to Gitorious, but I think everything in there
        is at least relatively normal.

        Would it make any difference if I'm using Ruby Enterprise?

        Thanks again!

        On Thursday, August 9, 2012 4:03:46 AM UTC-4, Thomas
        Kjeldahl Nilsson wrote:

            Hi there,

            this appears to be a bug that was introduced way back
            in February, but for some reason hasn't show up
            anywhere else so far (that we know of!). Perhaps
            something specific to your config?

            Anyway, I've pushed a fix to mainline now. Pull and let
            us know if it resolves your errors.


            On 08/09/2012 09:53 AM, esc201 wrote:
            Hi all,

            I just installed Gitorious (cloned from master branch
            on mainline) and am getting two errors emailed to me
            whenever I push to any repo. If it matters, in a
            failed attempt to solve this problem, I re-cloned
            Gitorious just a few hours ago, but left the database
            and repos directory intact.

            In short, the errors are:

            NoMethodError: undefined method `gitdir' for nil:NilClass
            Full backtraces are here:

            Strangely enough, pushing still seems to work fine. That is, the 
pushed code still shows up in a browser properly and git reports no errors 
client side.

            Any ideas?

            Thank you!
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        Thomas Kjeldahl Nilsson

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    Thomas Kjeldahl Nilsson

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Thomas Kjeldahl Nilsson

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