On Sat, Nov 24, 2012 at 10:25:13AM -0800, Celogeek San wrote:
> Hi, I have made an installer for Ubuntu. It should work with Lucid,
> and any further version. I have test it on Quantal.
> It create a chroot subsystem and setup everything.

Wow, this is really nice work! I haven't had time to try it out yet,
but I really like approach.

A couple of comments:
- We have started shipping some binary wrapper scripts in the bin/
directory of Gitorious that you may find useful
- Gitorious 2.4.0 (released today) replaces Ultrasphinx with Thining
sphinx. The search engine is the same (sphinx/searchd), but the rake
tasks are different (hint: bin/rake ts:start|stop.. should work)
- I would recommend using Resque+Redis instead of stomp, Gitorious 3
will no longer support stomp/activemessaging
- When Gitorious 3 is ready it will make a lot of sense to use Ruby
1.9.3 instead of 1.8

I would really appreciate it if you want to keep supporting this going
forward, and Gitorious 3 will bring quite a few changes. Most of these
should make installation easier, but it will take a little work
adapting recipes to it.

- Marius

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