samuk Henrique writes:

> The error above occurs when i try to run the poller start script (even with
> -f option), but I already executed the command `gem install daemons`.
> Also when i run `bundle install` it returns:
> Errno::EPERM: Operation not permitted -
> /var/www/gitorious/vendor/cache/rots-babb5559aae8/bin/rots
> An error occurred while installing rots (0.2.1), and Bundler cannot
> continue.

Normally I would recommend using the binaries from bin/, but since
you're referring to script/poller I'm assuming you're running with a
fairly old version of Gitorious?

Generally you want the user specified in config/gitorious.yml owning
everything inside your Gitorious directory and make sure you always
switch to that user before issuing any commands. This means that running

  chown -R git:git /var/www/gitorious

should do the trick.

- Marius

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