Dear GKD Members,

I would like to invite you all to participate in a brief online
discussion during the next two weeks, leading up to infoDev's Forum at
the World Summit on the Information Society in Tunis in November.

The infoDev Forum @ WSIS

The infoDev Forum at the Tunis Phase of WSIS will focus on addressing
some of the key challenges facing the international community in seeking
to harness information and communication technologies (ICT) as tools of
broad-based development, poverty reduction and opportunity for all. The
infoDev Forum will feature five discussion panels on the following

(a) Do ICTs Matter to the Poor?
(b) Do National ICT Strategies Matter?
(c) Do Policy and Regulation Matter?
(d) Is Information Infrastructure a Public Good?
(e) How can Local Innovation be Unleashed?

For those of you who will be present at WSIS, we very much hope you will
join us at the infoDev Forum.  More information is available at

The on-line discussion

The purpose of this (admittedly brief) online discussion is to invite a
broad range of views on two issues,

(1) What are the key things we know and don't know about these topics?
(2) What are the best knowledge resources already available on these

The key ideas and lessons from this online discussion will be shared
during the Forum sessions. In addition, several of the most active and
constructive participants in the online discussion, if they attend WSIS,
will be invited to intervene in the discussion "from the floor".

The online discussion seeks to draw key lessons and messages,
particularly about priorities for governments and international donors.
Your participation is encouraged, and greatly appreciated.

The discussion will run from 31 October - 14 November.

How to get started

To contribute, you need to register. Visit
<> to join this

You can also join by sending an e-mail directly to:

You will receive a welcome message by e-mail with instructions on how to
read, post, and receive messages.

We will post a welcome message to start the discussion on Monday,
October 31.

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization***
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