For those with an interest in ICTs and micro/small enterprise, the
following sessions are available at WSIS-Tunis:

Wednesday 16 Nov, 1500-1700, room Jendouba
Amb. Diouf (UNDP Africa), Richard Duncombe (Univ. Manchester), Prof. van
Ginkel (UN Univ.), Kandeh Yumkella (UNIDO) discuss use of ICTs in
enterprise to address poverty

Thursday 17 Nov, 14.00-15.00, room Zaghouan
Richard Heeks (Univ. Manchester), Francisco Proenza (FAO), Peter Wolcott
(Univ. Omaha) discuss strategies for effective use of ICTs for
micro/small enterprise.

Neither of these appear in the parallel events list under an enterprise
heading, so there may be other ICTs and enterprise events that are
similarly hidden.  The only overt activity I could find is a UNIDO
workshop on Thursday 17 Nov, 9.00-11.00, room Jerba, looking at ICTs and
SMEs in the Arab region.

For those seeking further resources, online guidance handbooks on ICTs
and small enterprise can be obtained from:

Richard Heeks
Development Informatics Group
University of Manchester, UK

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