Taxation Policies Widening the Digital Divide
The East African (Nairobi)

December 13, 2005
Posted to the web December 13, 2005

by Kezio David Musoke

East Africa has the highest tax burden on the mobile telephone industry
in Africa.

Uganda, with about 1.3 million mobile handsets, is ranked second after
Turkey among the 50 countries in the world with the highest taxation on
mobile handsets and services. Tanzania is ranked sixth, and Kenya ninth.

This information is contained in the Mobile Tax Report published by
Deloitte & Touche in August for the GSM Association (GSMA). GSMA is a
body that represents the interests of over 680 mobile operators in 210
countries worldwide by enhancing the value of mobile services globally.

The report was presented to the International Telecommunication Union -
the UN body that governs and regulates international standards for the
world's telecom environment - in November at the World Summit on the
Information Society (WSIS) in Tunis, Tunisia, where delegates said
lowering of cost barriers such as the cost of handsets, services and
taxes will provide a sustainable pathway to eliminating the digital

Delegates attending the summit resolved that the International
Telecommunication Union should put pressure on developing economies to
revise their telecommunication policies create the right environment for
telecommunications to grow.

The Ugandan government has since July this year failed to finalise and
publish the new telecommunications policy; for the past five years, the
sector has been running a duopoly of national telecoms operators Mobile
Telephones Network (MTN) and the Uganda Telecom Ltd (UTL).

According to the report, Brazil, Argentina, East Africa and other
African governments in the study - with the exception of Nigeria and
Angola - appear to apply high tax levies through a combination of taxes
on both the usage and the sale mobile phones.

The study says that the 10 markets with the highest taxes on mobile
telephony are Turkey, Uganda, Brazil, Syria, Zambia, Tanzania,
Argentina, Ecuador, Kenya and Ukraine.

Cited in the study are fixed taxes paid at the time of subscription and
tax charges paid after subscription by mobile telephone users. Others
are traditional sales, variable taxes levied on mobile telephone use
like value added tax and taxes due on the importation and sale of mobile

"Closely following Turkey is Uganda with overall non-recoverable taxes
on importation of 27 per cent, a value added tax rate of 18 per cent and
an excise rate of 12 per cent. All this leads to a tax proportion of
29.9 per cent in the total annual cost of mobile ownership," the report

During the 2004/05 budget reading, Uganda announced an increase in
mobile phone airtime (phone call credit) duties to 12 per cent from 10
per cent and a VAT increase to 18 per cent from 17 per cent, a move it
expected to generate Ush36 billion ($19.7 million) and Ush5.2 billion
($2.9 million) respectively.

According to the report, Tanzania has a tax proportion of about 26 per
cent while Kenya with about 4.4 million mobile handset owners has a tax
proportion of about 24 per cent in the total annual cost of mobile

The report also says that, while the mobile phone is widely recognised
as an equivalent to fixed communications in terms of providing
connectivity, there are still significant differences in some countries
in the tax treatment of these two communication mediums.

Turkey and Uganda are still cited as having the highest difference
between fixed and mobile tax rates. The 12 per cent excise duty in
Uganda is payable on mobile but not fixed telephony.

The report also points out Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of Congo
are the only countries in the region that still impose Customs duty on
imported mobile handsets. Tanzania's mobile handset tax has been
recorded as one of the highest, at well above 30 per cent joining
Cameroon, Mexico and Ghana.

In Tunis, Hamadoun Toure of the Telecommunication Development Bureau, a
body working under ITU, said that ITU through the UN is petitioning
developing countries to revise their tax policies under their national
ICTs policies in order to solve the "digital dilemma," for their

Governments must recognise that they have an important role in creating
the right environment for telecommunications to grow.

Policy factors including taxation may have a significant impact on the
price consumers pay for their handsets and services.

The same handsets and services that can drive up the gross domestic
product," Mr Toure said.

Craig Ehrlich, chairman of the GSMA said that the association is
encouraging mobile phone manufactures to produce low cost handsets for
the developing world. "The wholesale cost of the cheapest mobile phone
is set to fall to $25 by the end of 2006 compared with $50 in early
2004," he said.

This study is the first of its kind covering emerging markets and
focusing on developing public and private partnerships between the
mobile industry and governments to eradicate the digital divide.

The writer is affiliated to the Highway Africa News Agency, a South
African based ICT news provider.

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