Dear Colleagues,

The other night, I happened to see an interesting program that aired on
C-SPAN (a private, non-profit company, created by the cable tv industry
"as a  public service to provide public access to the political
process," which is funded  solely by fees paid by the cable and
satellite affiliates).

In this program, Jeffrey Cole, Research Professor at University of
Southern California's Annenberg School for Communication discussed the
results of the 5th year of the World Internet Project.

The Digital Future Reports include statistics over this period of time,
and this year's report covers the emergence of broadband for home use,
the trends toward the use of online media, wireless internet use, the
rise of e-commerce, and topics relating to access, attitudes and
behaviors of both users and  non-users, tracking the same 2,096
participants in 25 countries, a longitudinal  study. The Reports for
the preceeding years are also available.

This year's Report is available at the Center for the Digital Future

2005 Report

The Center is completely committed to providing highlights of the 2005
Digital Future Report free of charge to anyone interested in tracking
the ways in which technology is changing the social, political or
economic fabric of our lives.

Those interested in getting a copy of the full report providing detailed
comparisons and trends as well as analysis of current developments can
purchase the complete report by following the link below. The cost of
the report defrays some of the enormous costs inconducting the on-going
research and may be considered a contribution to the work of the
Center. The cost of the 2005 Digital Future Report is:

Individual Use - $500 for individual use and permission to make one
copy. Neither the electronic report nor the photocopy may be distributed
within or outside of any organization.

Corporate use - $1,500 for a corporate copy that can be shared
(electronically or a photocopy) within a corporation or organization.

Download the highlights of the 2005 Digital Future Report Here:

Purchase the full report, with an Individual Use License or a Corporate
Use License, here: 

Non Profit Organizations and Libraries - please contact the Center:

The program itself is also available at the C-SPAN website:  
ID:190173 -12/02/2005 - 1:18 -$45.00

Ginger McCarthy

Creative Response to Conflict:  
Resources for Community-building, Civil Dialogue and Conflict Resolution

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