KATALYST/Swisscontact, a project funded by DFID, SDC and SIDA is working
in Bangladesh to promote the competetiveness of Small and Medium
Enterprises of Bangladesh. Rural ICT is a new area of the project and we
have come out with a new Business Model, basically focusing to serve the
businesses as well as rural communities.

The evolution process of GHAT (Global House of Advanced Technology) was
a little lengthy and we have gone through a systematic approach to
develop the model. After 2 phases of market study, the research team
developed the model. We invited an expression of interest from the
interested party who wants to invest and finally selected two operators
based on their Business Plan and equity participation.

This center is named GHAT (where people gather for transportation,
mainly boat), and is offering a bundle of services. As the focus is on
business, we tried to concentrate on developing location and sector
(business) specific contents in the local language. At the same time
some common services as required by businesses. Also citizen services
are being offered through the centers. The services are available both
off-line and on-line.

To ensure the commercial viability of the centers, we offer training,
desktop publications, internet and digital photo services. Rural people
can ask for any new employment opportunity at local as well as national
level or anyone can get the admission information for colleges &

The first center launched on 20th December 2005 and 2 others are ready
to go into operation. We have planned to replicate the model all over
the country and want to see the model as self-sustaining. GHAT is purely
operated by private sectors with holistic approach and as a development
project, KATALYST is supporting the content development, awareness
building activities for the pilot phase of 18 months.

Due to strategic reasons and KATALYST mandate of commercial
sustainability, we are trying to keep the GHAT locations not too
remotely rural, where services may not be very lucrative or affordable
by the users. However, our experience shows that the rural people
frequently visit these locations to market their products or for any
other social reasons. Additionally we are patronizing the
Info-mediator's role to reach the rural communities at deep rural areas.

During the whole process, we experienced the critical challenges of
content development, developing demand based and updated information,
and finally the delivery mechanism, some of which are yet to be

We are assuming that once the model starts working, more private-sector
investors will be interested to become a Franchisee of GHAT and this
soon will be replicated in other areas. In fact, we have already
received a number of requests from the investors.

The web version of GHAT is still under regular updates and we are
expecting to see a good structure by the end of January 2006. The
website is located at: <www.ghatbd.com>

For any further details please contact me.


Shahid Uddin Akbar
ICT Consultant
KATALYST/Swisscontact - Bangladesh
ICT for Development Program - Bangladesh
(ICTDPB) - Dhaka

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