Dear Colleagues,

As you know, the Secretary-General of the United Nations has recently
approved the creation of a Global Alliance for ICT and development.

The Alliance will provide an open, inclusive multi-stakeholder platform
for dialogue on innovative ways to harness the potential of ICT for the
achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and realization of
outcomes of the 2005 World Summit and the World Summit on the
Information Society.

On behalf of the Secretary-General, I have the pleasure of inviting you
to participate in the inaugural meeting of the Global Alliance for ICT
and Development that will be held on 19-20 June 2006 in Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia following a gracious invitation by the Government of Malaysia.
The Kuala Lumpur meeting will launch the Global Alliance and will
provide an opportunity to initiate discussions among stakeholders and
potential partners on the principal theme of the Alliance: "Advancing
the Millennium Development Goals through ICT and Innovation: Setting the
Framework", as  well as to define priority issues to be addressed by the
Alliance and on optimal modalities of its work. The programme of the
meeting will be available shortly.

Given your invaluable contribution to the nexus between innovation and
development, we very much hope that you would actively participate in
this initiative. We hope to hear from you soon, and we look forward to
your active engagement in this exciting new initiative and to our
productive collaboration in the coming period.

We would appreciate your reaction at your earliest convenience. A
registration form for indicating both your interest in participating in
the Global Alliance and your participation in the Kuala Lumpur meeting
will be available as of today on the former ICT Task Force website

Best regards, 

Sarbuland Khan, Director 
Office of ECOSOC Support and Coordination/DESA 
United Nations

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