There are people that claim, "privatization" is a new word for "disowning".

In Germany the Telkom was or is to some degree still "privatized", it belonged
to the state, that is to all people. Now it is sold and they took as much as
over 60 EURO from this part of the public that wanted to own it and now the
price has gone down to less than 30 Euro and on top of it they gave most of the
money that the privatized Telekom received also to the Government for socalled
UMTS licenses and now the state prosecutor is invetsigating the CEO and the
Board of Directors for fraud.

So much to your question on privatization !

Rhianna Tyson schrieb:

 > Government support, indeed, is a vital element to the success of ICTs as a
 > tool for development and empowerment.  However, in much of my reading on
 > the use of technology as such a tool, privatization is continuously being
 > trumpeted as the savior to those on the "have not" side of the "digital
 > divide."  I am having a hard time trying to find opposing views to these
 > privatization cheerleaders... does anybody know of reports or studies or
 > even opinions on the effect of privatization in the ICT sector?

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