Dear GKD Members,

Due to the volume of messages we have received during the past week, the
GKD Moderators will extend GKD through Tuesday, July 31. Thus, GKD will be
"on vacation" from 1 August - 7 September 2001.

During August, we will be seeking sources of support to continue GKD. As we
do so, it is important to understand whether and how GKD has contributed to
your efforts to use ICT for development. We will be very grateful if you
would kindly send a brief message responding to the question:

*   Has GKD provided useful information in your efforts to use ICT for
development? Please explain.

Please send your message to the Moderators <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> or to

Again, our deep thanks to all GKD members for your generous and valuable
contributions in building this virtual community. We hope to hear from you!

With warm regards,

GKD Moderators

***GKD is an initiative of the Global Knowledge Partnership***
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Archives of previous GKD messages can be found at:

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