New Digital Opportunity Web Initiative To Elevate Voices
>From Developing Nations

17 May 2002, New Delhi:

Digital Opportunity Channel <>, a Web portal
and online community focused on information and communications
technologies for global sustainable development, launched here today on
UN World Telecommunications Day.

Digital Opportunity Channel is a joint initiative of OneWorld
<>, the online sustainable development and human rights
network, and the Benton Foundation <>, the
Washington-based non-profit organization that works to realize the
social benefits made possible by the public interest use of information
and communications technology (ICT).

The visiting Director of OneWorld International Foundation, Anuradha
Vittachi, spoke about the merits of the new channel and how it will help
narrow the divide between developed and developing communities. ìThe
point is that none of us has to rely just on our own isolated efforts
any more. To amplify our power, there is the blendability of the new
digital technologies, the multiplying power of networks, the
interdependability of human beings - and, most important of all, the
boundless power of goodwill.î

Coordinated from India, Digital Opportunity Channel has a special
emphasis on developing countries.   "Developing countries have largely
been marginalized in the global dialogue on the benefits and negative
impacts of digital technologies,î said Kanti Kumar, channel editor. 
ìOur portal aims to give organizations and community leaders in the
South a platform for their voice to be heard, a place where they can
work together with colleagues around the world striving to develop smart
strategies for using ICT to make a real and lasting difference in the
lives of people living in poverty."

Digital Opportunity Channel builds on OneWorld's experience of seven
years in ICT for development and presents content from OneWorld's
worldwide partnership of over 1250 development, human rights and
environment NGOs. All these organizations are now using the Internet and
other ICT to share knowledge and take action on poverty and human rights
or in support of programmes that aim to meet the basic needs of the most
disadvantaged peoples in the world.

In the current issue of Foreign Policy magazine, UN Secretary General
Kofi A. Annan has recommended as one of his top Web sites,
reflecting his belief that "Information and communications technologies
are enormously powerful tools for development. One of the most pressing
challenges is to harness this extraordinary force, spread it throughout
the world, and make its benefits accessible and meaningful for all
humanity, in particular the poor."

The channel also brings in the invaluable experience of the Benton
Foundation's Digital Divide Network <> in
building a community of practitioners, academics, policy leaders and
people from ICT industries to help shape a shared responsibility in
creating opportunity for all the world's people through appropriate use
of emerging technologies.

Benton Foundation's Andy Carvin, co-editor of the new portal, said:
"Information about how the digital divide is being addressed in the U.S.
and Europe is widely available. However, until now, there has not been a
place to gain a global picture and explore the viewpoints, challenges
and successes of grassroots communities in around the world. With this
channel we aim to fill that gap."

People without access to new information and communications technologies
are increasingly excluded from education, healthcare, good governance
and the ability to improve their own livelihood. The challenge is to
ensure ICT no longer increases the gap between the rich and the poor but
becomes an opportunity to help bring greater equality, understanding and
solidarity. Digital Opportunity Channel seeks to help tackle this

Available on the Web at
<>, the channel will feature news from
around the globe, campaign actions, success stories, opinion pieces by
leading commentators, in-depth analysis and research, events listings, a
beginner's guide to digital divide issues, funding information, email
digests and a dedicated search facility on ICT for development.

OneWorld is funded for Digital Opportunity Channel by the UK Government
Department for International Development <> and
the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Directorate General for
International Co-operation <>. The Benton
Foundation's involvement in Digital Opportunity Channel is supported by
the AOL Time Warner Foundation <>
and the Markle Foundation <>.

Kanti Kumar
Editor, Digital Opportunity Channel
OneWorld South Asia
Third Floor
17 Panchsheel Commercial Centre
Panchsheel Park
New Delhi 110 017
Tel: +91-11-6498791, 6498794
Fax: +91-11-6498795

Digital Opportunity Channel:
OneWorld Home Page:
OneWorld South Asia:

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, an NGO that is a GKP member***
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