The following appeared in UNWIRE:

Is this e-info dying a natural death.... thru inattention, thus
relieving clogged info-highways, or is this a serious issue of
non-archiving of essential knowledge?

TECHNOLOGY: Digital Information Is Vanishing, Warns UNESCO

Knowledge stored digitally, including important scientific and
government information, is vanishing, and more could be lost if action
is not taken to conserve it, UNESCO said yesterday.

Some of the material in jeopardy exists only in digital form, meaning it
could become impossible to consult unless the original or compatible
hardware and software are also maintained. The U.N. agency cited the
case of a neurobiologist seeking information from the Viking space
probes, which were sent to Mars in the 1970s, who discovered the
software used to read the 25-year-old computer tapes no longer existed
and that "the programmers who knew it had died."

UNESCO also warned information contained on private and public Web sites
could be lost, as the sites are often changed without saving the
previous data. It said the White House Web site was wiped clean after
President Bill Clinton left office and that its nonarchived Internet
links are now gone.

The United Nations began consultations on methods to safeguard such  
information after member states called for rapid action on the issue
last month (U.N. release, June 11).

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