AIDSWEB: HIV/AIDS and ICT Project Update (Winter 2003)
ICT for Education Program
World Bank Institute Human Development Division (WBIHD)

Dear GKD Members,

We wanted to provide you with a summary of some of the most recent
AIDSWEB: HIV/AIDS Education and ICT-related activities for your


The AIDSWEB project was launched in 1998 as an initiative of the World
Bank Institute's ICT for Education program (formerly the World Links for
Development Program) to explore linkages about the use of information
and communications technology for use in HIV/AIDS educational and peer
outreach related activities. Project activities to date have included an
e-mail based collaborative project, teacher exchange visits, adaptation
of HIV/AIDS educational material for ICT platforms, and HIV/AIDS and ICT
workshops (for schools, policymakers and NGOs) and material development.
For further background about the project, please see "Fighting the
Insidious Killer: African Teenagers Battle HIV/AIDS Through ICT" in the
Fall 2002 issue of the Development Outreach
<> or contacting the author,
Anthony Bloome, at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

In this project update:

Upcoming HIV/AIDS and ICT Brown Bag: Print, Radio, Television/Video and
Internet (Thursday, February 6th: 12 - 1:30 pm., J1-050)
AIDSWEB Project Evaluation
Development Gateway Feature Site
Kids DevNews
World Space Broadcast
African Studies Association Presentation
HIV/AIDS, ICTs and School-Based Telecenters Workshop (Kampala- September
2002) Exhibit at AFTQK (NEPAD) Knowlege Fair (January 2003)

1) Upcoming HIV/AIDS and ICT Brown Bag: Print, Radio, Television and
Internet project examples

On Thursday, February 6th from 12:00 - 1:30 p.m., J1-050, the AIDSWEB
project organized a brown bag session on Using ICTs to fight HIV/AIDS.

The presentation included representatives from various ICT-based
initiatives --Internet (WBIHD's ICT for Education AIDSWEB project),
digital radio (World Space Foundation), television/video (Discovery
Channel Global Education Fund) and one targetting journalists (WBITP's
Strategic Communications course) -- talking about their projects using
ICTs for HIV/AIDS awareness raising, peer education, and promoting
positive school-community prevention activities. About 60 participants
attended from the Bank and other international NGOs interested in the

2) AIDSWEB Project Evaluation

We just got back a really exciting independent evaluation about the
AIDSWEB: HIV/AIDS and ICT online project and its impact on teachers and
student knowledge of HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment. Among other
findings, AIDSWEB project participants were twice as likely to
accurately quess the four leading methods (transmission) and mode
(prevention) as those not participating in the project!

We've included a few paragraphs from the Executive Summary below.

"In brief, AIDSWEB occupies a unique niche, spanning the entire African
continent and offering secondary-school students training and access to
technology, accurate information about HIV/AIDS, and hope that they can
initiate and sustain action to combat the disease through national and
cross-national partnerships.

Students appreciated the international exchange, the knowledge gained,
and the youth involvement they experience through  AIDSWEB. Teachers
applaud the project both for its contribution to HIV/AIDS response and
for its innovation and self-help strategy through technology.

AIDSWEB currently serves approximately 500 youth in 70 schools in 8
African countries. From the outset, AIDSWEB has grown directly out of
the expressed need to reach youth in effective and direct ways, to
enable them to obtain information in a non-threatening and private
manner (through the Internet), and to support their involvement in
community action through youth partnerships and teacher mentorship.

AIDSWEB has proven particularly resourceful in stretching resources by
training motivated teachers to leadership roles as national and
school-level AIDSWEB coordinators, and through partnerships with
existing sources of relevant information and dialogue about     
HIV/AIDS?e.g., the AIDSWEB electronic adaptation of the Auntie Stella
web site ("

3) Development Gateway - AIDSWEB Featured Topic

The AIDSWEB website/project is the topic feature on this month's
Development Gateway HIV/AIDS page <>. From
here visitors can link directly to the AIDSWEB website <>
and also visit several of the youth-developed HIV/AIDS in our
Communities websites developed as part of the AIDSWEB Social Action
website design competition last year (with support from AFTQK). Last
year, 60 sixty schools from six African countries (Botswana, Ghana,
South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe) and the U.S. participated in the

4) Kids DevNews  - AIDSWEB project citation

The AIDSWEB project and website was prominently featured in the first
Kids DevNews (WB's External Affairs Department) December 2002 Youth and
AIDS publication. For the article, go to the Bank's internal or external
websites, type "kids devnews" and then look under "Youth and AIDS" under
the Feature Stories button.

5) World Space broadcast to Africa - Auntie Stella website

WorldSpace (a digital radio broadcaster) asked for and received
permission from us to broadcast the Auntie Stella website (underwritten
by AIDSWEB in collaboration with a Zimbabwean NGO, TARSC - over its Africa satellite system. The pages will be
downloaded as they appear on the website and then uploaded for broadcast
from the WorldSpace satellites. The broadcast can then be received by
users with a WorldSpace receiver and includes African physicians,
community health workers, farmers, meteorologists, and community
development workers, among others. World Space also works with community
broadcasters to disseminate the information. You can read more about
WorldSpace activities at The Auntie Stella website
( itself provides a series of thirty-three letters
on subjects chosen by Zimbabwean teenagers, as well as repllies and
ideas about further action.

6) African Studies Association Conference - AIDSWEB Presentation

The AIDSWEB project was one of the presenters during an ASA panel
organized by the US Dept of State Bureau of Citizen Exchange (a
supporter of our project in the past). The session was entitled
Citizens' Exchange: Project Reports on Building ICT Capacity in Africa.
We'd be happy to e-mail the PPT presentation of the AIDSWEB presentation
to anyone who is interested.

7) HIV/AIDS, ICT and School-Based Telecenters Workshop - Uganda

Following on from our HIV/AIDS, ICTs and School-Based Telecenters
International Workshop linking school-based telecenters and HIV/AIDS
NGOs held in Uganda, September 2002, we are working with country
partners for next steps project development. The workshop attended by
delegates from Rwanda, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Uganda was co-sponsored by
the Uganda AIDS Control Project, Ministry of Education, EDC and the
World Bank. Examples of follow-up activities include targeting AIDS
orphans in Uganda as part of a youth entrepreneurship education and ICT 
(YouthIT) pilot project currently under way and producing a novel online
counseling format (developed by the Straight Talk Foundation) for use in

8) AIDSWEB Exhibit at NEPAD meeting (Accra, January 22-23).

A Ghanaian project representative manned an AIDSWEB project exhibit at
AFTQK's Knowledge Fair in conjunction with Policy Forum of the Global
Coalition for Africa as part of the current NEPAD meeting. This was a
great opportunity to showcase the Bank's work with "School-based ICT
platforms to help fight HIV/AIDS"

Please feel free to pass on this e-mail to other Bank and development
colleagues interested in the project and do let us know if you have any
questions or comments about the AIDSWEB project.

Anthony Bloome
AIDSWEB Project Coordinator
ICT for Education Program

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