Dear GKD Members,

Maybe that I'm just ignorant or that I don't know how to use search
engines on the web. Therefore I would appreciate any reference to
assessments and reports that show by evidence (before - after) the
success of projects (or programs) using ICT as key (or at least
fundamental enabling) element to reduce real poverty.

Let me state my question more precisely: (a) I'm not looking for
development projects where ICT helped to increase efficiency,
effectiveness or transparency of public or private spending (b) I'm not
looking for projects where job opportunities in ICT were created (c)
I'm not looking for results of educational projects, where ICT is used
to supposedly improve affiance, effectiveness or coverage of education.
(d) I'm not looking for similar projects in health. (e) I'm not
interested in potentials or projections but in hard facts.

I'm straight looking for projects where the people (or the community)
was poor (miserable) before and where by using ICT themselves they
were less poor (less miserable) after and ICT is the key element for
success. Any reference with concrete cases & data will be extremely

Cornelio Hopmann

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