Chennai, Mar 14 (IANS) The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is
working on a satellite project that will take educational material to
remote and inaccessible areas, says the space agency's chief K.

Education and expertise are at present concentrated in a "few islands of
excellence", Kasturirangan noted at an award function at the Sathyabhama
private engineering college on the outskirts of Chennai Thursday.

The ISRO chief was conferred an award by federal Human Resource
Development Minister Murli Manohar Joshi.

Kasturirangan said the country was struggling to build a base of
infrastructure and find good teachers due to lack of funds. At a time
like this, ISRO's EDUSAT would help reach content to remote areas.

The content could be for primary schools, high schools or colleges. The
same satellite transmission facility could be used to reach lectures and
study material from special educators and experts to inaccessible areas
where quality education did not reach. Any institution could download
the contents of the knowledge bank, he said.

Kasturirangan pointed out that ISRO's maps and data had already become
sought after products even in France and the U.S.

--Indo-Asian News Service

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