Dear Colleagues,

My paper is now available on the Australian Development Gateway
entitled 'ICT and Development: Help or Hindrance?' (PDF 339K)


> Can information and communications technologies (ICT) make a valuable
> contribution to achieving development outcomes? In his report, Richard
> Curtain explores how ICT can be best used to achieve development
> objectives and vastly improve productivity, given the operating
> constraints that may apply in developing countries.

What I offer that goes beyond existing analysis (as far as I am aware)
are two checklists of factors to consider in relation to ICT for
Development. One checklist relates to the design or maintenance of
an ICT-led development project. The other checklist relates to a
mainstream development project assessing whether and how to use ICT.

I would welcome feedback on the utility of the checklists as I hope I
can turn them into a web-based version with hyperlinks to
examples from relevant projects.

Richard Curtain

Curtain Consulting, Melbourne

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