>From 10 - 12 December 2003, in Geneva, The World Summit on the
Information Society (WSIS) will provide a unique platform for all key
stakeholders to gather at a high-level forum to develop a common vision
and a concrete plan of action on how to increase and extend the benefits
of the information society to the world community. It will bring
together representatives of governments, private sector as well as civil

Within and around the Summit, a networked series of events will be held,
which will complement and further enrich the Summit gathering. As part
of these events, the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (seco) of
the Government of Switzerland, and the Information for Development
Program (infoDev) of the World Bank, are jointly organizing the Annual
2003 infoDev Symposium in Geneva, December 9 - 10, 2003.

The Symposium will bring together global leaders from the public and
private sectors to review and identify the challenges and opportunities
ICT hold to narrow social and economic inequalities. This event will
explore the theme of 'ICT for Development, What Works, What Does Not
Work'. Sessions will include:

*   Network Competitiveness
*   Mobilization of Private Investment for ICT
*   Capacity Building and Trade Competitiveness through ICT
*   Network Security and Affordability

It will be an opportunity to showcase some of the most recent
experiences using ICT for poverty reduction and economic

As this is an invitation-only event (the audience will be limited to 600
participants), you must be registered to attend. Please register
on-line at: http://www.infodev.org/symp2003/registration.htm

For up-to-date program information, please consult the Symposium web
site <http://www.infodev.org/symp2003/>. There is no registration fee
for attending the Symposium but participants in the Symposium are
expected to arrange their own financial support, travel and
accommodation. We realize that this is short notice (our registration
deadline is December 4th), however, we are hoping that those attending
WSIS will be available to attend.

We look forward to welcoming you at this important event.

With best regards,

|               Oscar Knapp              |            Bruno Lanvin        |
|    Ambassador, Delegate of the Swiss   |      infoDev Program Manager   |
|     Government for Trade Agreements    |                                |

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