Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to join this important event during WSIS.



Geneva & Beyond: Operationalizing Recommendations of the World Summit on the
Information Society to Help Achieve Millennium Development Goals

Video Conference & On-Line Discussion

Thursday, December 11, from 9:00am to 11:00am (Washington, D.C. time)

On December 11, Development Gateway and the World Bank are sponsoring a
videoconference event linking India, Lebanon, Mexico, Romania, Russia,
Rwanda, Sri Lanka, Switzerland and the United States. We have partnered
with UNDP/UN ICT Task Force's ICT Development Network to organize online
discussions connected with this event. Please join us!

You can participate in several ways:

*  Join the Videoconference in person in one of the participating
* View the Webcast at (the videconference
will be broadcast live from 9 to 11 am on Dec. 11)
* Participate in on-line discussions at <> by
registering and following the link to "Videoconference Support:
Operationalizing the Recommendations of WSIS"
* Send your discussion questions and comments by email to Barbara Fillip

All of this information and a more detailed agenda for the
videoconference/webcast will be posted shortly on the Development
Gateway's ICT for Development portal
<> as well as on the relevant
online discussion page
Note that you are also welcome to join other related on-line discussions
once you have logged on as a member.

Draft Agenda:

9-9.15 am Welcome, introductions of participating sites - Country
facilitators 9.15-9.20 am Opening Remarks by Mohamed Muhsin
(Vice-President and CIO, World Bank Group)
9.20 - 10 am Geneva presentations (Nagy Hanna, Carlos Braga, Ernest
Wilson, Prof. Swaminathan, Sid Kane, 2-3 others to be confirmed)
10 am - 10.45 am Country remarks and questions (India, Lebanon, Mexico,
Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Sri Lanka,  USA - DC, USA - Santa Clara)
10.45-10.55 Questions and remarks from the Internet participants
summarized by Barbara Fillip (online discussion moderator)
10.55-11.00 am Closing remarks and credits

Register & Participate in the Videconference:

Contact the following country facilitators by Dec. 10:

·   India:        Maneesha Gupta at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
·   Lebanon:      Lina Abou Habib at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
·   Mexico:       Alejandro Pisanty at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
·   Romania:      Laurian Tanasescu at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
·   Russia:       Mikhail Bunchuk at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
·   Rwanda:       Rose Mukankomeje at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
·   Sri Lanka:    Athula Pushpakumara at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
·   Switzerland:  Robert Guerra at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
·   USA:          Oleg Petrov at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  (Washington, DC) 
and Anil Srivastava at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   (Santa Clara, CA)

Register & Participate in Online Discussions:

The "Help" link on the upper menu bar of ICT Development Network 
<> provides instructions for how to register
and participate in online discussions. The following steps are a quick

a. Become a Member:  Under "User" left hand side of the site, click on
"Become a Member" and follow the instructions (note that there are two
pages). You should do this prior to the live discussions Thursday.

b. Join the Discussion: Follow the link to "Videoconference Support:
Operationalizing the Recommendations of WSIS" and join the discussion.
You are encouraged to post comments/questions prior to the video
conference on Thursday as well as during the event.

c. Follow-up Discussions: related discussions and on-line follow-up will
take place on other discussion forums of the ICT for Development
Network. Continue to visit this site for more information.

Moderator:  The online discussions will be moderated by Barbara Fillip
and John Daly.  A period of time towards the end of the videoconference
will be specifically allocated for questions from online participants to
be addressed by the main speakers.

Feel free to contact Barbara Fillip at [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you
have any questions!

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization***
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Archives of previous GKD messages can be found at:

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