"ICT Policy: A Beginner's Handbook" - a new book from APC

South Africa, December 18 2003 -- APC's new book lays out the issues and
dispenses with the jargon to encourage more people to get involved in
ICT policy processes.

This book is for people who feel that ICT policy is important but don't
know much about it, e.g. a government official worried about a gap in
her technical knowledge of how the internet works, a human-rights worker
concerned that his need to send secure email is being challenged by
national government policy, a citizen fed up with paying exorbitant
rates for dial-up internet access and ready to organise.

"The APC handbook is not a map of the ICT policy terrain," says editor
Chris Nicol, "but it *is* a compass."

Find out more: http://www.apc.org/english/news/index.shtml?x=16108
Read an interview with the book editor:

Download the beginner's handbook from the APC site:
http://www.apc.org/books (in a zipped file)

Or order a printed copy from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"ICT Policy: A Beginner's Guide" would not have been possible without
the generous support of the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
(CTO) <www.cto.int>
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