Invitation to Global Videoconference Dialogues on

           Exploring the Links Between Youth Livelihoods and HIV/AIDS:
                 What is Happening and Where Do We Go From Here?

  Participating Countries: Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Malawi,
  Mozambique, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe

                              March 3rd & 4th, 2004


                              Barclays Bank- Africa
                           Family Health International
                    International Center for Research on Women
                                Junior Achievement
                            Street Kids International

The young and poor are increasingly becoming the main victims of
HIV/AIDS in the developing world. Many working in the field to mitigate
its impact are realizing the links between HIV/AIDS, youth, and poverty.
A group of activities known as "the youth livelihoods approach" may
provide a positive link for youth affected by HIV/AIDS. On March 3rd and
4th, the World Bank and collaborating partners would like to invite you
to participate in one of two global dialogue videoconferences on this
theme --  Exploring the Links Between Youth Livelihoods and HIV/AIDS:
What is Happening and Where Do We Go From Here?

The purpose of the two videoconference events will be to share best
practices and research among international and national organizations
and programs across nine African countries, highlight the importance of
supporting vulnerable youth populations, particularly AIDS orphans and
youth caregivers, consider possible behavior change indicator
relationships between youth livelihoods and HIV/AIDS, facilitate
discussions at the country level, and to help identify potential funding
sources to strengthen programs.

The videoconferences (2.5 hours) will each feature organizational and
country presentations, global Q&A sessions, and be followed by
face-to-face country site discussions (1/2 hour).

As some of the videoconferencing sites have space limitations, we ask
that individuals and institutional representatives interested in
attending please contact Tanya Meyer, Event Participant Coordinator,
World Bank Leadership Program in AIDS at [EMAIL PROTECTED] by
Wednesday, February 25th 2004.

For further information about this event or about the World Bank's
Leadership Program in AIDS, please contact Anthony Bloome at

Dates, Location and Local Time:

Wednesday, March 3rd                      Thursday, March 4th

Ethiopia (3:00-6:00pm)                    Malawi (2:00-5:00pm)
Ghana (12:00- 3:00pm)                     Mozambique (2:00-5:00pm)
Kenya (3:00-6:00pm)                       Zambia (2:00-5:00pm)
Nigeria (1:00-4:00pm)                     Zimbabwe (2:00-5:00pm)
Uganda (3:00-6:00pm)                      Washington, D.C. (7:00-10:00am)
Washington, D.C. (7:00-10:00am)

Please contact the Event Participant Coordinator for site location and
contact information.

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization***
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