I am interested to know the cost of VSAT to VSAT (local short distance and
long distance within and outside the country), VSAT to fixed phones, fixed
to VSAT calls in your countries.

Can you all throw light on the experiences of your respective countries

Gopi Pradhan

"Mahmud Daud" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Vickram, my organisation is in the process of helping the people of the
> Upper East Region Ghana, in the conflict prone district of Bawku East to
> use radio to break barriers to access to information. The people from a
> preliminiary baseline survey overwhelmly choose the path of radio as a
> means of accessing and providing information. But looking at the area to
> be covered the equipment and skills needed to set up such a station is
> discouraging us from going down that path. From your submission it looks
> as if we get around the cost element through a modular sort of
> radiophony and adding on until we reach the expected coverage area. We
> have already started with trying to build the skills in ICT through a
> local teacher training college which is going to be linked to the
> internet through a VSAT link. We propose to link the community radio to
> this source which will not only provide the outlet to the wider world
> but also bring the wider world to these communities through the radio.
> Maybe some exchange of ideas on this will help us in our project.

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